The Lion Guard Wiki
The Lion Guard Wiki

"Essentially Trouble"?[]

Ludo may be essentially Trouble, but this is only because they are both derived from the same game. It's also "essentially" Sorry!, India, Aggravation, etc. There are numerous versions of this game. They're all derived from Pachisi. Why should Trouble be singled out? I feel that the second bullet on in the Trivia section doesn't quite make sense. -Songfire (talk) 05:46, August 3, 2016 (UTC)

Here's a link:

Whilst it's true that they are derived from the same game, they are not the same game technically, and even Wikipedia lists these two games as separate. -RadSpyro 16:20, August 3, 2016 (UTC)

That is true; they are different. It's not as though the title is the only thing that differs Ludo from Trouble. As stated at the site you linked:

Pachisi (on BGG) is from India and played with 6 cowrie shells as the randomiser.

Trouble (on BGG) has a circular rather than cross shaped path and a Pop-O-Matic die container/roller containing a single die.

Ludo (on BGG) is from the UK (and elsewhere) and played on a smaller board than Parcheesi with a single die.

The variations of the game are all different in their own way, but still similar. Ludo is no more essentially Trouble than it is essentially any of the other variations(Sorry!, India, etc.). I simply don't see why we are singling out Trouble. What is its significance in comparison to the many other variations with approximately the same similarity to Ludo as Trouble? Songfire (talk) 18:29, August 3, 2016 (UTC)

I removed the 'essentially' part (I hope that's okay with you, RadSpyro). But I don't think it really mattered that much honestly, especially not on a Lion Guard wiki. Comin' thru! - Beshte 19:02, August 3, 2016 (UTC)

Beshte, the "essentially" part wasn't the problem. The whole Trivia piece seems unnecessary; as there are so many variations of Pachisi and Trouble is no closer to Ludo than any other, so it makes little sense to single out Trouble. But Trouble and Ludo are different. Saying that Ludo is Trouble is inaccurate. Songfire (talk) 19:26, August 3, 2016 (UTC)

Except that wasn't what the trivia meant - at all!

*Despite being called Ludo, the game is essentially Trouble (Frustration in UK).

This is what Trouble looks like

Now compare it with this 'Ludo' game

What the trivia is saying is that although this game is titled as Ludo, the game is actually Trouble. It doesn't matter if Ludo is another 'version' of the game - that's irrelevant. I'm going to assume this trivia is there to help other people find it easier on search engines. Comin' thru! - Beshte 20:53, August 3, 2016 (UTC)
