“ | It is more than different. It is the Roar of the Elders! When you use it, the great lions of the Pride Lands' past roar with you. | ” |
The Roar of the Elders is an intensely powerful roar that is bestowed on the leader of the Lion Guard and as of now the King consort of the Tree of Life by the Great Lions of the Past. It is currently possessed by both Kion, the son of Simba and Nala, and Vitani, daughter of Zira. Its power originated from the Tree of Life.
While the firstborn cub of the monarch is destined to become the next Ruler of the Pride Lands, the second-born cub is tasked with leading the Lion Guard, a group dedicated to preserving the kingdom and defending the Circle of Life. As its leader, the second-born cub is expected to be the fiercest of the group and is thus gifted with the Roar of the Elders by the Great Lions of the Past. When the leader of the Lion Guard uses the Roar of the Elders, four of the ancient lions roar along with them, instilling extremely powerful sound vibrations in the cry. The Roar is strong enough to blast downward-falling water upward, scatter a pile of boulders, or force someone else backward, sometimes sending them flying miles away. However, if the Roar is used in anger, regardless of the intent, it can cause mass destruction and there is a risk of it rebounding like an echo, which can cause natural disasters such as earthquakes. When used in anger, the clouds will be dark and stormy.
The Roar can be controlled, if the user has faith in him or herself, allowing to direct the Roar's force as he or she wishes. Additionally, if directed at a cloud, the Roar has the ability to inflate it with water, thus causing it to rain for a short while.
The Roar of the Elders can be used to summon the spirits of the Great Lions of the Past, mostly when they are needed to roar, and, if used in anger, it can even summon the spirit of an evil lion from the past. Instead of in clouds, evil lions appear in fire.
Since the Great Lions of the Past provide the power behind the Roar, they control its use. It is to be used for good only and will be taken away if the user does not respect their gift and use it for selfish or malicious purposes, as was the case with Scar. However the gifted power is destined and expected to someday return to the Tree of Life.
As the leader grows the Roar grows in power, like keeping ocean water temporarily at bay to create a land bridge and prolong its use. A current user of the Roar can't only talk to the great kings of the past, but also other Lion Guard leaders, like how Kion is shown talking to Askari. When blasted downwards, the Roar can create ledges, cliffs, and platforms. Only by willingly giving up the Roar completely can one truly master its power.
If the user is inflicted with the infamous Mark of Evil, the neurotoxin in the cobra venom that is inflicted into the bite as a scar will slowly begin to change the user: It will give them brain damage as well as weaken or disorient them, and it will cause their darker, more uncontrollable impulses to begin to take over their actions and thought process, which puts the user at risk of becoming evil and using the Roar for nefarious purposes, or losing control of the roar. Should the user want to be healed, and regain their control of the Roar, they must travel to the Tree of Life to find the anti-venom.
Prior to The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar[]

Askari uses the Roar
Before the events of The Lion Guard, Askari was the first leader of the Pride Lands' Lion Guard and as the second-born cub of the monarch, he was the first one ever to use the Roar of the Elders using its powers to do great good. Askari discovered the Roar at the Tree of Life and discovered its powers there and managed to master it.
Then, Scar was the leader of the previous Lion Guard before Kion and possessed the Roar of the Elders, as he was the second-born cub of the monarch. However,
Scar uses the Roar
The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar[]

Kion performs the Roar by accident and doesn’t notice
After Kion assembles a team, he attempts to show them his powerful Roar, but the power refuses to work. However, the Roar returns to him in the final battle against Janja's clan, in which Kion uses the Roar to send the hyenas scurrying back to the Outlands.
Never Judge a Hyena by Its Spots[]

Kion roars to defend himself and Jasiri from Janja's clan
The Rise of Makuu[]

Kion shows Makuu how powerful the Roar of the Elders is
Kion uses a demonstration of the Roar on Grove of Trees to persuade Makuu and the crocodiles to leave Big Springs after they force Basi's Pod out. The resulting roar causes the leaves to disappear from the trees and concerns Makuu, who takes his float away from Big Springs, heading for home.

Kion's Roar of the Elders forces back the water
Bunga the Wise[]
When Bunga's quick and easy dam solution leads to the dam breaking apart, the waters that it was restraining spread rapidly over the Pride Lands. The Pride Landers flee but are eventually trapped, with rock walls on all sides of them and the floodwaters on another. Kion uses the Roar to move the water back, away from the animals, with enough force to push it over the side of the rock walls and create a waterfall.
Eye of the Beholder[]

Kion roars to clear away the rocks
The Search for Utamu[]

Kion's roar blasts the vultures away
Paintings and Predictions[]

Kion saves the zebras!
Too Many Termites[]
When Muhanga and Muhangus call Kion about a hyena infestation, Kion uses the Roar to drive aardwolves out of the Pride Lands, believing them to be hyenas. The force of the roar sends them flying into the Outlands.

Kion roars at Nne and Tano
Janja's New Crew[]
When Janja accidentally slides down a slippery hill covered in mud, he winds up face to face with the Lion Guard. When Cheezi and Chungu join him and accidentally explain their leader's plan, Kion uses the Roar to force the hyenas back into the Outlands.
Later, Nne and Tano fool the Lion Guard into chasing some sable antelopes while they approach some oryxes. The Lion Guard arrive just in time to stop them and, as the hyenas predict, Kion uses the Roar to force them both back into the Outlands. Nearby, Janja comments that he is, for once, glad to hear the Roar, having been used by his fellow clan members.
Lions of the Outlands[]

Kion roars at a cloud

Kion roars at the Outsiders
Never Roar Again[]

Kion Roars during berserk.

Kion directs the Roar for the first time
Beshte and the Hippo Lanes[]

Kion blasts the rocks
The Lion Guard: The Rise of Scar[]
When the hyenas attack the baboons and the elephants during the Dry Season, Kion uses the Roar of the Elders to send them flying towards the Outlands.

Kion causes an eruption
Although their plan to bring back Scar seems to have failed, Janja throws Makini's staff into the volcano in a temper and thus finishes the ritual, summoning Scar.
Swept Away[]

Kion roars at a cloud
After the Guard finds Beshte trapped and the hyenas toppling boulders down at him, Kion forces the hyenas to the edge and uses the Roar to fling Janja, Cheezi and Chungu away.
Rafiki's New Neighbors[]

Kion puts the fire out
Rescue in the Outlands[]
Although not used, Bunga suggests that Kion uses the Roar over a vent to save Jasiri, Tunu, and Wema. But Fuli reminds him that they too would be blown away by the Roar's power.
The Bite of Kenge[]

"Time to go home, Kenge!"
The Morning Report[]

Kion saves Zazu
The Little Guy[]

Kion sends Kiburi and his float home
Divide and Conquer[]
Tamaa tries to impersonate Kion's roar to distract Reirei's pack, but it gives him away.
The Scorpion's Sting[]

Kion roars at Scar's Army (4 times)
When the vultures attack Makini, the Lion Guard quickly save her, and Kion uses the Roar for the last time that day by sending Mzingo's parliament back into the Outlands.
The Wisdom of Kongwe[]
The Roar is only mentioned once in this episode.
When Kion and Simba consult with Mufasa on Scar's return, Kion blames himself. As he is about to tell Mufasa how he used the roar in anger again, his Grandfather reminds him that the Roar is a power used for both Good and Evil, seemingly disappointed in him.
Cave of Secrets[]
The Roar is used by Askari in the paintings in the lair where he used it to douse a burning tree and to keep the evil lions at bay.
The Zebra Mastermind[]

Kion roars Tamka and Nduli away
The Hyena Resistance[]
The Lion Guard arrive in the Outlands to help Jasiri's clan out from Scar's army. Kiburi confronts to Kion that the army refuses to leave without first defeating the Hyena Resistance. However, Kion uses the Roar to send Janja's Clan, Reirei's Pack and Kiburi's Float further away into the Outlands.
Janja, who got knocked by one of Kiburi's members and slips closer to the lava of a steam vent, gets pulled out by Jasiri. When she tells him for his clan to join hers, a speechless Janja hesitates, then dismisses Jasiri's offer and runs off. Shupavu and Njano, who both secretly watched all the time, question about Janja's hesitation and decide to report it back to Scar.
Beshte and the Beast[]

Kion uses the roar
Ono warns everyone that Scar's army is back in the Pride Lands going after some Sable Antelopes. Kion suggests that they cut through Nyani Grove. Shujaa decides to make a path for them to walk through but he didn't know that baboons live in the trees that he cut down. The baboons start run along with the buffaloes Kion orders Fuli and Beshte to calm them down. Ono moves the Sable Antelopes away from the army and Kion uses his roar to blast the Outlanders away. Shujaa was impressed and thought that Kion's roar was the best thing that he ever saw.
Pride Landers Unite![]

Kion roars at the Outlanders
The Fall of Mizimu Grove[]
After Mizimu Grove was destroyed, Kion uses the Roar
Using the roar

Roars at the vultures
Fire from the Sky[]
Kion uses the roar on the vultures after finding out that they're the ones who are dropping fire sticks.
Battle for the Pride Lands[]
Kion uses a soft roar to make it rain so Scar can be defeated once and for all, also, he uses the roar on Bunga by accident under the influence of Ushari’s venom.
The Accidental Avalanche[]

Kion uses the Roar at a Himalayan mountain
Dragon Island[]
Kion roars at Ora and the other Komodo dragons. He then roars at the ocean to make a new land bridge and get the Guard to safety.
The Race to Tuliza[]
Kion almost uses the Roar of the Elders on a group of flamingos.
Friends to the End[]
The Roar of the Elders can be seen in the song.
The Tree of Life[]

Kion Roars at Baliyo
The River of Patience[]
Janna shows a cave painting of Askari using the Roar of the Elders.
Triumph of the Roar[]
Askari teaches Kion on how to use the full powers of the Roar. With his ne
"The Power of the Roar"
Journey to the Pride Lands[]
Kion uses the Roar in many ways to get the Lion Guard home fast.
Return to the Pride Lands[]
Kion bestows both the Roar and the Mark of the Guard onto Vitani so she can b
Vitani uses the Roar of the Elders and becomes the new leader of the Lion Guard
The Day of the Crocodiles[]

If the reader chooses Fuli's ending, Kion uses the Roar of the Elders to blast away Makuu's float after rescuing Zuri from them. The Roar smashes some nearby logs, which end up forming a dam that allows Zuri and the Guard to return home.
Wildfire Emergency[]
Although not actually used, Kion is about to use the Roar to remove the wildfire. Before he can do so, it starts to rain, and Kion decides to let the Circle of Life take over.
- Can blast away bad guys back to the Outlands.
- Can create a twister and lift up animals carrying them to safety.
- Can move rocks all around.
- Can bring rocks up from the ground.
- Can smack bad guys.
- Can lift up dead trees.
- Can start avalanches.
- Can start tidal waves.
- Can make rain fall if the cloud is dark enough.
- Can push pools of molten lava to make a clear area.
- Can be redirected.
- Can bring back Evil Lions of the past.
- Can destroy Evil Lions of the past with a gentle roar.
- Can lift rocks more than ten times the user's size.
- Can lift objects and obstacles.
- Can cut vines.
- Can Lift up Pride Rock (Once completely mastered)
- The Roar actually sounds more akin to the roar of a tiger’s than a lion’s. This is rather common in media, as a tiger's roar is louder, and therefore more fierce, than a real lion roar.
- The first mention of this ability was in the book Hear Me Roar!.
- Before Kion uses the Roar, he always tells everyone to get behind him.
- When he uses the Roar in anger, or is corrupted by the Mark of Evil, the clouds above him are dark.
- Askari and Kion are the only Lions who completed mastered the Roar.