“ | Excuse me, Beauty before age. Last one in is a smaller, less attractive version of me! | ” |
–Pinguino, Poa the Destroyer |
Pinguino is a macaroni penguin. He is the leader of his rookery who lives in the Tree of Life, in the tundra. He first appears in Poa the Destroyer.
Pinguino's feathers are dark blue on his back, flippers, and his belly and inner flippers are white. His beak and his feet are orange, and his eyes are dark blue. He has two long yellow crests on his head.
Pinguino is first shown to be stubborn, selfish, and rude, but later appears to have good intentions. He often exaggerates, spreading untrue rumors about Beshte and calling him "Poa the Destroyer". He seems to take pride in being a penguin and his appearance. Pinguino has shown respect for the Night Pride, the Lion Guard, and later Beshte after he saves him from a cliff.
In Long Live the Queen, it is shown that despite his rudeness, he has respect for Janna.
Poa the Destroyer[]
Pinguino first appears with the other penguins on an ice slide. While watch
Pinguino explains about "Poa the Destroyer"
Angered, Pinguino goes to talk with the Night Pride and finds some other animals heading to the Tree of Life for the same reason. Pinguino says that he will do the talking and tells everyone about "Poa the Destroyer", his nickname for Beshte. The animals are shocked and begin to spread the word of Poa the Destroyer, informing Baliyo about him.
Later, Beshte asks Pinguino and his rookery if they told Baliyo anything about a bad guy. Pinguino denies, and Beshte moves on, accidentally breaking part of the ice slide in the process.
Pinguino leaves the ice slide and meets up with Rani and Baliyo, who are looking for
Pinguino speaks to Rani

Pinguino thanks "Poa" for saving him
At the gathering, Pinguino arrives late, being carried by Beshte. Pinguino explains to everyone how he saved his life and tells them that he is stronger and as gentle, soft, and fast as a penguin. Pinguino chants his name, and everyone joins in.
Long Live the Queen[]
Pinguino is shocked to learn that Queen Janna had passed away and attends her funeral. He later attends Rani's co
Hearing the sad news
Return to the Pride Lands[]
Pinguino attends King Kion's coronation and his wedding with Queen
"You know King Kion he's as fierce as a penguin"
- His name means "penguin" in both Italian and Spanish.