“ | Together, we bravest really can do anything. | ” |
–Mtoto's Mom to Bunga, The Ukumbusho Tradition |
Mtoto's Mom is a female elephant. She is the mother of Mtoto, and a member of Ma Tembo's herd.
Mtoto's Mom is a rather short elephant in comparison to the rest of her herd. Her skin is gray (with a very, very slight tan tint) with light gray toes. Her white tusks are short and her eyes are dark brown. Her inner ears are pink, with a small notch in her right. She has three dark gray spots on her back, a big one and two small ones.
Whilst caring, Mtoto's Mom displays sternness when necessary, such as when her son does not return on time. She is also easily moved to irritation, as seen when Bunga constantly forgot his lines during a rehearsal for the Ukumbusho. When panicked, she is capable of going on a rampage and losing track of her own whereabouts. But she is also willing to listen and be calmed, taking advice from others when necessary. She is appreciative of those who help her.
Prior to The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar[]
Mtoto's mom was a member of Aminifu's Herd. At some point during her life she had a son named Mtoto.
The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar[]

Arriving with Bunga
The Rise of Makuu[]
Mtoto's Mom watches the Mashindano between Pua and Makuu.
Can't Wait to be Queen[]
Mtoto's Mom attends Aminifu's funeral, dropping a flower off at his body. When King Simba begins his speech, she hears his mistake. Although she is at first shocked, she soon starts to laugh with the rest of her herd, seeing the bright side of his joke.
The Kupatana Celebration[]

Singing at the event
She is also present when the jackals steal the Pride Landers' food.
Later, she and the other chosen animals perform at the celebration, before joining the rest of the animals gathered at Mizimu Grove. But during the celebration, Reirei's Pack attacks, frightening her. With King Simba urging everyone to stand together, she and the other animals successfully drive the jackals away.
Fuli's New Family[]

"My way!"
Follow That Hippo![]

Hyena alert!
Later, she is seen at the Watering Hole when Beshte returns her son.
The Call of the Drongo[]
Mtoto's Mom can be seen briefly with another elephant at the Watering Hole.
Bunga and the King[]

The singers
The Imaginary Okapi[]
When Beshte gives Ajabu a tour of the Pride Lands, Mtoto's Mom is seen in a few different locations on the tour.
Baby Baboon enjoys being rocked in Mtoto's Mom's trunk for a while as Fuli tries to keep him under control. Mtoto's Mom is a little shocked to see Fuli race past her.
The Trail to Udugu[]

Mtoto's Mom chases Simba
When Simba and his family gaze out over the Pride Lands a bit later, Mtoto's Mom can be found grazing in the savannah.
Ono's Idol[]

Cheering for Hadithi
The Savannah Summit[]
Mtoto hears his mother calling for him via infrasound, and she asks for him to be home by sundown. After Makuu deems Twiga and Vuruga Vuruga's plan worthy of a crocodile, Mtoto hears his mother calling for him again. After bidding goodbye to the Guard, Mtoto rushes off.
The Traveling Baboon Show[]
Mtoto's Mom watches The Traveling Baboon Show perform.
The Lion Guard: The Rise of Scar[]

Big Baboon speaks to Ma Tembo
But the hyenas soon return, this time attacking the baboons that have begun to follow the elephants. Kion and Ono lead them to a dead-end, where Kion can perform the Roar of the Elders on the hyenas, sending them back to the Outlands for good. Big Baboon leaps onto the head of Mtoto's Mom to speak with her leader.
Later, Mtoto's Mom walks around Ma Tembo, hoping that she will find water soon. Once Makini manages to calm everyone down using shwari, she is able to do so, allowing Mtoto's Mom to drink.
The Ukumbusho Tradition[]
Ma Tembo's Herd is in charge of the Ukumbusho celebration, and Mtoto's Mom is chosen as the bravest for the show. When the Lion Guard arrive at Mizimu Grove, Mtoto races over to inform his hero that he will be playing the strongest elephant, while his mother takes the role of the bravest.

However, after the Lion Guard sing May There Be Peace and after Kion has begun his lines as Askari, a swarm of bees arrives, frightening the elephants away.

Mtoto's Mom is calmed
They return to the grove, where Ma Tembo is persuaded to start a new version of the show, where the paint is not used. After reminding everyone that her paint is still on her forehead, Mtoto's Mom has her paint sprayed away by her son. She then reminds Bunga not to use her lines, but he makes no promises. They enter the show, which has started fresh.
The Bite of Kenge[]
Mtoto's Mom is seen briefly during Big Bad Kenge.
Timon and Pumbaa's Christmas[]
When Bunga wants to give his uncles the best Christmas ever, Mtoto's Mom agrees to join in with the celebrations. After rehearsing all night, they are about to give up until Bunga reveals to them how important it is to him, and why.
They return and perform The Twelve Ways of Christmas with the other animals.
The Scorpion's Sting[]
Mtoto's Mom attends the Kumbuka celebration for King Simba with her herd, singing along with Rafiki to Good King Simba.
The Wisdom of Kongwe[]
Mtoto's Mom is briefly seen as Fuli sings The Faster I Go.
The Kilio Valley Fire[]

When Kilio Valley is destroyed by the Army of Scar, Kion must find a new home for the elephants. After several options don't work, Mtoto's Mom and her herd are considering leaving the Pride Lands, but find a new home in Ndefu Grove with Laini's permission.
Pride Landers Unite![]
Mtoto's Mom and her herd help the Lion Guard protect the Pride Lands from the Outlanders. They attack Scar's Army when they try to take over Makuu's Watering Hole.
The Fall of Mizimu Grove[]
Mtoto's Mom watches Timon and Pumbaa sing for Makini's Mpando Mpaya. The Outlanders crash the party and Scar shows himself in front of
Telling the elephants to stop running
Fire from the Sky[]
Mtoto's Mom can be seen with her son Mtoto during the song Height and Sight.
Battle for the Pride Lands[]
Mtoto's Mom is there with the other Pride Landers to help fight against the Outlanders.
Mtoto's Mom comforts her son
The Harmattan[]
Mtoto's Mom can be seen during the song The Tree of Life.
Return to the Pride Lands[]
Mtoto's Mom watches as Kion's Lion Guard and Vitani's Lion Guard compete against each other. When Kion gives up his role he and his friends join the Night Pride. Some time later Mtoto's Mom goes to watch Kion and Rani's wedding.
Mtoto: Son
- Mtoto's Mom's model is frequently reused in the series, and she can appear multiple times in one image.
- Her voice actress also voices Baby Baboon's Mother and Vuruga Vuruga.