The Lion Guard Wiki
The Lion Guard Wiki

It's true. Our Valley will return. And so will we. But in the meantime, we elephants need a new place to live. Somewhere we can all be together

Ma Tembo, The Kilio Valley Fire

Ma Tembo's Herd is a herd of elephants led by Ma Tembo that resides in the Pride Lands.


The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar[]

Some members of Ma Tembo's Herd can be seen during Zuka Zama.

The Rise of Makuu[]

Some members of Ma Tembo's Herd are seen watching the Mashindano between Makuu and Pua.

Can't Wait to be Queen[]

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Leaving respect

The former leader of the herd, Aminifu has passed away, and Simba soon received word of his passing. Leaving his daughter in charge, he travels to Kilio Valley along with his mate, Nala and his advisor, Zazu, to perform a speech. Simba is slightly apprehensive of the speech, with Zazu reminding him that he will need to speak in elephantese, as per tradition.

When they finally reach the valley, they watch as elephants cover the corpse of Aminifu. Simba and Nala sorrowfully nuzzle one another as they see his body from a distance, before finally walking over to join them.

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The herd mourns Aminifu

The funeral begins, and Simba is about to give his speech. However, when reciting the words, instead of saying the elephant idiom 'he had good on him', he mispronounces the words, and instead proclaims that 'he had poop on him'. Simba, Nala, and Zazu become concerned, though Aminifu's daughter Ma Tembo laughs, saying that he indeed had poop on him. She thanks Simba, believing that the best thing to do is remember the good times they had.

The Kupatana Celebration[]

Ma Tembo's Herd comes to the Kupatana celebration.

Fuli's New Family[]

Ma Tembo's Herd can be seen when Ono's Flock are eating bugs off of them. They can also be seen during "My Own Way."

Follow That Hippo![]

Ma Tembo's Herd can be seen hanging out at the Pride Lands.

The Call of the Drongo[]

Ma Tembo's Herd can be seen at the Watering Hole.

Bunga and the King[]

The royal family is due to attend the herd's only concert of the rainy season. However, Simba winds up falling down a sinkhole as he saves his mate and daughter. With only his son able to save him, he insists that Nala and Kiara go to the concert without him. They reluctantly agree.
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The concert performers

As the concert finishes in Mizimu Grove, Nala and Kiara applaud their music. Nala apologizes again for Simba's absence, but he turns up at the last moment with the Lion Guard, Timon, and Pumbaa in tow. He apologizes to them himself and decides to share a song which he is important to his family as a way of making it up to them - Hakuna Matata.

The Trail to Udugu[]

Ma Tembo's herd can be seen during Bunga's song Running with the King.

Ono's Idol[]

Ma Tembo's Herd can be seen at the Royal Mud Print Ceremony.

Beshte and the Hippo Lanes[]

Ma Tembo's herd can be seen when Beshte is making the Hippo Lanes

The Savannah Summit[]

Ma Temboa and Mtoto both come to the Savannah Summit.

The Traveling Baboon Show[]

Some members of Ma Tembo's herd can be seen watching the Traveling Baboon Show.

The Lion Guard: The Rise of Scar[]

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The herd is saved

Ma Tembo is in charge of finding the new water source for the Dry Season. They attract Janja's Clan of hyenas not once, but twice during their search. Although a challenge, Ma Tembo perseveres and eventually finds the new watering source after Makini orders, everyone, to be quiet ("shwari").

Let Sleeping Crocs Lie[]

Ma Tembo's herd watches the Mashindano between Makuu and Kiburi.

Rafiki's New Neighbors[]

Ma Tembo's herd kick out Chama, a rambunctious adolescent elephant who has been causing a distraction within the herd. Ma Tembo agrees to take him back for Kion's sake, but Chama later leaves of his own accord.

The Ukumbusho Tradition[]

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Ma Tembo's herd organize the Ukumbusho. When the festivities start, bees attack the performers due to their head paint being made from pollen. The Lion Guard help sort out the problem, and the Ukumbusho continues.

Timon and Pumbaa's Christmas[]

When Bunga wants to give his uncles the best Christmas ever, Ma Tembo's herd agree to join in with the celebrations. After rehearsing all night, they are about to give up until Bunga reveals to them how important
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8 trunks honking

it is to him, and why.

They return and perform The Twelve Ways of Christmas with the other animals. 

The Scorpion's Sting[]

Ma Tembo's herd comes to Pride Rock to celebrate the Kumbuka and takes part in singing "Good King Simba", but watches in horror as the king collapsed from a scorpion sting.
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Cheering for Simba

The Kilio Valley Fire[]

The Lion Guard is in Kilio Valley, desperately trying to put out a fire. After extinguishing the blaze, they announce that Ma Tembo's Herd can finally return home. Zito is still mildly annoyed that they were unable to save his favorite grove, but Ma Tembo is grateful. Suddenly, more flames arrive from the sky and rekindle the valley. Ma Tembo offers her three strongest elephants, Zito, Zigo and Johari, as extra help. She leaves them in the care of the Lion Guard and they get to work. Zito and Zigo assist Fuli and Bunga with the fire breaks, while Johari, Beshte, and Ono work on putting out as many flames as they can.

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Ma Tembo walks her herd away from the fire but is stopped by the Army of Scar, and its hyena, jackal, and crocodile factions. After escaping, Ma Tembo laments over her burning home. Kion apologizes, but Zito reacts angrily to the cub for not working faster. Ma Tembo accepts that her home will return, but turns to the Lion Guard leader for help in finding temporary accommodation. Kion is determined to help her with her request. 
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Saving the herd

Meanwhile, Kion leads Ma Tembo to her new home - Ndefu Grove. Although Zito has reservations, Kion assures him that the galagos are very welcoming. As if to prove his words, Laini greets them amiably. Before Kion can even explain the full situation, Laini gladly welcomes them into her home. But when the elephants enter the grove, their large size causes them to smash into the trees, knocking Laini and her galagos to the ground. Although Kion temporarily solves the problem by getting the elephants to stop.

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Playing with galagos

Ma Tembo realizes that they cause trouble for the galagos, forcing Kion to find them another home. Kion moves the herd to Acacia Grove, where Twiga's Herd live. Since both animals are large and eat leaves, he believes it to be a perfect match. Although hesitant, Twiga accepts the proposal. But before the Lion Guard can leave, Twiga approaches them having witnessed Zito take down an entire branch. Worried that there won't be enough food to go around, Kion assures an angry Zito and his herd that he will find them a new home. As a last resort, Kion takes the elephants to Bupu and his herd, asking him to let the elephants stay just for a while. Bupu accepts, mostly due to Kion's politeness with the request. Ma Tembo thanks Bupu, and the elephants start to celebrate by spraying themselves with dirt, which also falls on the Sable Antelopes. This behavior is deemed unacceptable by Bupu. Before he can throw them out, Kion asks him just to give him a little time and leads the Lion Guard away. Kion reaches Ma Tembo's herd and explains the problem.
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With Bupu's herd

Considering the Pride Landers to be her family, Ma Tembo agrees to help, ordering Mtoto's Mom to stay behind with the little ones. They set off, but Zito refuses to help and stays behind with Mtoto's Mom and the younger elephant calves. Having took the route through Lake Kiziwa, the elephants arrive and quickly spray the with water dispersed from their trunks. While Kion checks the area, a tree collapses. Zito arrives to save him from being crushed, having finally decided that you don't turn your back on family.
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Putting out the fire

Kion thanks the elephant, and the elephants use dirt to put out the remaining fire, saving most of Ndefu Grove. After seeing them save their home, Laini thanks Ma Tembo's herd, and asks her to live with them. After accepting their offer, Ma Tembo gazes out at her true home, and Kion promises her that they'll get her home back. Although Ma Tembo knows this, she is confident that Kilio Valley is just land, and that they already are home.

Pride Landers Unite![]

Kion gathers Ma Tembo's herd to help fight the Outlanders. Kion tries to do some simple tests with them.
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Kion asks Ma Tembo's herd for help

Bunga waits by a tree hile the animals are instructed to race over to him. Only the Galagos make it to him because the other animals trip and fall on top of each other. Seeing them not getting along Kion asks Makuu to teach them how to fight. Things don't go so well which causes  Ma Tembo and Makuu get into an arguement and Makuu leaves. Later
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A little more then five

the Army of Scar attacks Makuu's Watering Hole the Pride Landers help fight it. After getting tired of batteling Kion uses the roar on the hyenas, jackals and crocs and blasts them away. Makuu thanks the Pride Landers for saving his Watering Hole and float. Makuu says that he will help them in the future when they need it. 

The Queen's Visit[]

Ma Tembo's herd watches as Dhahabu and her herd go up to Pride Rock. They also sing and dance along to "Prance With Me."

The Fall of Mizimu Grove[]

Ma Tembo’s Herd attends Makini‘s Mpando Mpaya at Mizimu Grove.

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Watching the show

When the Army of Scar attacks, Ma Tembo’s Herd joins forces with the other Pride Landers to help defeat the army. They are startled when Scar appears, and reveals his plan to the Pride Landers. 

When Scar’s spirit disappears, Ma Tembo’s Herd joins the other herds in fleeing the grove, with Ma Tembo ordering the elephants to stop. When the Lion Guard stops them, Simba explains the situation to the Pride Landers.

The next morning, Kion takes the Pride Landers to Mizimu Grove, and shows
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them Makini’s sapling, which had survived the attack on Mizimu Grove. He tells the Pride Landers that the Lion Guard would be there to protect them from Scar’s attacks. Ma Tembo’s Herd agrees to remain in the Pride Lands.

Fire from the Sky[]

Ma Tembo's herd can be seen during the song Height and Sight

Battle for the Pride Lands[]

Ma Tembo and her herd help in the battle agiasnt Scar's army. Scar soon reveals himself on top of Pride Rock and says that the Lion Guard is gone. However Kion says that he's wrong and they're okay.  Ma Tembo is spooked and says that Scar knows what they're planning.  

Janja soon tells everyone how to defeat Scar. Simba doens't trust him at first but Makuu
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Saying goodbye to the Lion Guard

convinces him. Janja says that Kion's roar will defeat Scar. The next day Kion leads everyone into the Outlands to attack. Later Kion and the guard comes out of the volcano and says that Scar has been defeated. Ma Tembo along with her herd says goodbye to the Lion Guard as they make their way to find the Tree of Life

Return to the Pride Lands[]

Ma Tembo's herd watches as Kion's Lion Guard competes with Vitani's Lion Guard. Beshte and Imara push Ma Tembo and Zito who are standing on a rock. Imara wins since Beshte needed mud to cover his skin. After Vita
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The contest is ready to begin

ni calls for a mashindano Kion gives his role to her. Vitani gets the Roar of the Elders while Kion and his friends join the Night Pride. Ma Tembo's herd goes to watch Kion's coronation as he marries Rani.

Named Members[]

Name Information Position Status Picture

Former Members[]

Unnamed Members[]

The following are known members of Ma Tembo's Herd who have not yet received an official name.
Pride Landers
Basi's PodBaby Baboon's TroopBig Baboon's TroopBupu's HerdKitendo's TroopLaini's GroupLion GuardMa Tembo's HerdMakuu's FloatMasikio's DroveMbeya's CrashMbuni's FlockMekundu BatsMjomba's PackMuhangus' ArmoryMuhimu's HerdOno's FlockSimba's PrideSwala's HerdThe Bellow FellowsThurston's HerdTumbili's TroopTwiga's HerdVuruga Vuruga's Herd
Army of ScarHyena ResistanceJanja's Clan Jasiri's Clan Kiburi's FloatMzingo's ParliamentOutsidersReirei's PackShupavu's Group
Back Landers
Dhahabu's HerdMakucha's Leap
Astuto's LeashCek and Rama's FlockDomog's PackFlamingo Girls' FlamboyanceKiril's HerdKely's TroopMakucha's ArmyMother Goose's GaggleNight PrideOra's BankPãgala's MobPeacock Leader's FlockPinguino's RookerySmun's PrickleSokwe's TroopTafu's ScurryThe Traveling Baboon ShowTangaagim's SleuthVarya's StreakYuki's Troop