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Let Sleeping Crocs Lie is the thirty-second episode of The Lion Guard and the sixth episode of Season 2. [1]


After the Lion Guard accidentally wakes a group of hibernating crocodiles who become furious that they now have to suffer through the dry season in the Savanna, Scar seizes the opportunity to wreak havoc in the Pride Lands.


Let-Sleeping-Crocs-Lie (60)

A disgruntled float

While trying to stop a herd of sable antelope, Ono guides them into a dead end canyon, where Makuu's float are resting. The stampede causes the cave to tremble, and wakes up the entire float. Although angry, Makuu is willing to listen to the Lion Guard's suggestions. One member, Kiburi, is not so willing, and steps in to make an example of Ono, but he is defended physically by Kion and verbally by Makuu. After the cub suggests speaking with his father, Makuu leaves to speak with Simba and orders his float to stay put until his return. But Kiburi refuses to do so, and decides that the crocodile way is to take the water they need regardless, and the crocodiles follow him out. Shupavu and Njano, having heard this, report back to Scar and Ushari in the Outlands Volcano, who orders them to keep an eye on the situation.

Let-Sleeping-Crocs-Lie (185)


While Makuu speaks with Simba, Ono feels guilty over his actions. Kion suggests that Ono looks for a watering hole for the awake crocs to make up for it, but instead notices the crocodiles already inhabiting various watering holes. He reports back to Simba, who angrily looks to Makuu. Makuu assures him that they are defying a direct order, and since they are close to coming up with a solution, Simba asks the Lion Guard to take care of the stray crocs while he and Makuu finish negotiating.

Let-Sleeping-Crocs-Lie (314)

Kiburi's challenge

Kion tracks down Kiburi and the two get into a scuffle, but Makuu arrives and angrily orders him to leave Kion alone. The Lion Guard then direct them to a new watering hole, but the watering hole is cramped and not even Bunga is able to touch the water with so many crocodiles in it. Makuu is still grateful for the compromise, and states that that was their share of water, but Kiburi challenges him to a Mashindano for leadership. Makuu agrees. Having seen this, Shupavu and Njano slither away to report their new findings.

Having heard the report, Scar announces that a Mashindano is the perfect way to cause a disturbance, by getting Kiburi and his crocs to take down King Simba while everyone else is distracted. He orders Ushari to put the idea of Kiburi ruling the Pride Lands into the crocodile's head.   

Let-Sleeping-Crocs-Lie (492)

Kion stops the crocs

Ushari meets up with Kiburi and does so, planting the idea and scheme into his head. Kiburi, Tamka and two other crocodiles make a plan to attack. When the Mashindano begins, Kiburi fights against Makuu while the crowd watches eagerly. Ono, disliking the violence, flies up only to see the three crocodiles leaving the fight. He reports back to Kion, and the Lion Guard leaves silently, with Ono keeping an eye on them. The egret notices that they're about to ambush Simba from behind and relays the information to the rest of the Guard. Before the crocodiles can attack, the Lion Guard subdue them. Hearing the commotion behind him, Simba wanders over, and soon realizes what they were up to.

Let-Sleeping-Crocs-Lie (548)

The banished crocs

With Simba absent from the audience, Kiburi taps out, before proudly announcing that his crocodiles took down King Simba, and that the Pride Lands now belongs to the crocodiles. But when Simba appears, Makuu assures him that he had no knowledge of such a plan. Simba believes Makuu, and states that it's up to him what punishment they receive. But Makuu passes this task to Simba, since Kiburi and his followers were now banished from the float. Simba approaches Kiburi and announces that he and his followers are now exiled from the Pride Lands. Kiburi tries to protest but is denied any reasoning, and leaves the Pride Lands, promising that they haven't heard the last of him.

Let-Sleeping-Crocs-Lie (581)

Scar reveals himself

In the Outlands, Kiburi finds Ushari coiled up asleep. He angrily confronts him. Ushari is relaxed and, when Kiburi asks why he shouldn't eat him, the cobra calmly persuades the crocodile to let him show him something very, very special. He leads the crocodiles to the Outlands Volcano, where Kiburi is at first unimpressed until Scar reveals himself. With Janja's clan viewing from nearby, Scar starts to explain how he has a plan, to gather all the Outlanders and take over the Pride Lands again.

Let-Sleeping-Crocs-Lie (685)

Ono is forgiven

Back with Makuu's float, Ono, still feeling guilty, approaches Makuu and issues a formal apology for waking them in the first place. He flinches when Makuu tells him that he needs to make an example of him, only for the crocodile leader to say I forgive ya. Astounded, Ono asks what he just said, and Makuu replies that he heard what he said. When Simba asks if this is the new crocodile way, Makuu tells them that maybe it is, and Kion states that he could get used to this new way.


Characters []

Kion-profileKion Bunga-profileBunga Fuli-profileFuli Ono-profileOno Beshte-profileBeshte Makuu-profileMakuu Kiburi-profileKiburi
Male Gazelle-profile
Male Gazelle
Bigbaboon-profileBig Baboon
MtotosMom-profileMtoto's Mom


 Pride Lands
Priderock-profilePride Rock Makuuswateringhole-profile
Makuu's Watering Hole
Lakematope-profileLake Matope
Janjasvolcano-profileOutlands Volcano


Army of Scar
Lionguard-profileThe Lion Guard Makuusfloat-profile  Makuu's Float

Simba's Pride
Thurstonsherd-profileThurston's Herd Shupavu and Her GroupShupavu's Group Shingosherd-profileTwiga's Herd Basispod-profileBasi's Pod
(no leader)
Kiburisfloat-profileKiburi's Float
Janjasclan-profileJanja's Clan
Hyraxsgroup-profilePim's Group
Mbeyascrash-profileMbeya's Crash
Bupu's Herd
Matembosherd-profileMa Tembo
(no leader)
Swala's Herd
(no leader)
Vuruga Vuruga's Herd
(no leader)
Impala's herd-profile

Impala's Herd


Lions-profileLions Honeybadgers-profileHoney Badgers Cheetahs-profileCheetahs Hippos-profileHippos Egrets-profileEgrets Crocodiles-profileCrocodiles Hyenas-profileHyenas
Sableantelopes-profileSable Antelopes
Bushbucks-profileBushbucks Impalas-iconImpalas


The Lion Guard Episodes
Special Episodes
Return of the RoarThe Rise of ScarBattle for the Pride Lands
Season One
Never Judge a Hyena by Its SpotsThe Rise of MakuuBunga the WiseCan't Wait to be QueenEye of the BeholderThe Kupatana CelebrationFuli's New FamilyThe Search for UtamuFollow That Hippo!The Call of the DrongoPaintings and PredictionsThe Mbali Fields MigrationBunga and the KingThe Imaginary OkapiToo Many TermitesThe Trouble With GalagosJanja's New CrewBaboons!Beware the ZimwiLions of the OutlandsNever Roar AgainThe Lost GorillasThe Trail to UduguOno's IdolBeshte and the Hippo LanesOno the Tickbird
Season Two
Babysitter BungaThe Savannah SummitThe Traveling Baboon ShowOno and the EggLet Sleeping Crocs LieSwept AwayRafiki's New NeighborsRescue in the OutlandsThe Ukumbusho TraditionThe Bite of KengeTimon and Pumbaa's ChristmasThe Morning ReportThe Golden ZebraThe Little GuyDivide and ConquerThe Scorpion's StingThe Wisdom of KongweThe Kilio Valley FireUndercover KinyongaCave of SecretsThe Zebra MastermindThe Hyena ResistanceThe Underground AdventureBeshte and the BeastPride Landers Unite!The Queen's VisitThe Fall of Mizimu GroveFire from the Sky
Season Three
The HarmattanThe Accidental AvalancheGhost of the MountainMarsh of MysteryDragon IslandJourney of MemoriesThe Race to TulizaMama BinturongFriends to the EndThe Tree of LifeThe River of PatienceLittle Old GinterbongPoa the DestroyerLong Live the QueenThe Lake of ReflectionTriumph of the RoarJourney to the Pride LandsReturn to the Pride Lands