“ | Uh, no. Pandas have very speific requirements for when we need to eat. Morning, afternoon, and the middle of the night. | ” |
–Heng Heng, The Lake of Reflection |
Heng Heng is a female giant panda who lives at the Tree of Life. She makes her debut in The River of Patience.
Heng Heng's fur is black and white. Her eyes are brown, and her nose is black.
She has a favorite source of bamboo to eat from. At first, she's very argumentative with the lemurs, but after Rani suggests they take shifts with the bamboo, she starts to warm up to them. It is evident that she can be also very kind.
The River of Patience[]
She appears briefly in Rani's song.
Little Old Ginterbong[]

Being lifted up by Binga
The Lake of Reflection[]
She fights over a bamboo patch with Kely and his troop about who can eat there at that
Meeting the Lion Guard
Triumph of the Roar[]
Mama Binturong and her forces take over the Tree of Life and Heng Heng is seen being chased by them, then is rescued by the Lion Guard
- She is the first and only giant panda to appear in The Lion Guard.
- Her name means "Eternal", "constant", and "permanent" in Chinese.
- Heng Heng's voice actor also voices Rama.