Chungu is a teenage male hyena and formerly a member of Janja's clan and currently a member of Jasiri's Clan. He lives in the Outlands and serves as one of Janja's second-in-commands, as well as one of the main antagonists. As of the season three opening episode, Battle for the Pride Lands, he has reformed along with the rest of his clan.
Chungu is a large grey spotted hyena with a notch in his right ear, and two notches in his left. His ears are round and smooth at the tips, instead of being pointed like Janja's. He is the largest and most well-built hyena in the series, sporting a thick neck and a large, round jaw. The fur of his cheeks is long and curves upward. He has a long, thick black mane, black lower forelegs, black paws, a large black nose, and a creamy gray underbelly that is cleft below his neck. His eyes are black with light yellow sclerae. They are encircled by blue fur, and two patches of dark gray fur cover the areas around them.
Chungu has a rather tough attitude, though like the other hyenas, he is very submissive to the clan leader. He often whines around and complains about not getting enough food, and like the rest of Janja's clan, he does not respect the Circle of Life. Chungu isn't very bright, and seems to rely on Janja to make decisions for him. He also appears to have a poor memory. Also, Chungu is shown to be much more confident than Cheezi, but not brave as Janja. And he has an appreciation for his leader's jokes, and often chuckles. He has also been shown to be somewhat oblivious to the fact that the Lion Guard does not like Janja's clan at all.[1]
After the Lion Guard saves him and the rest of Janja's clan in "Battle for the Pride Lands" and Janja changes sides, he becomes good and starts to respect the Circle of Life. Although both and he and CHeezi briefly return to their previous villainous ways during the battle for the Pride Lands by threatening the rhinos, this was merely out of habit and they immediately apologize for this after being reprimanded by Janja. He soon learns to fully embrace the importance of the Circle of Life shown when and he and Cheezi growl at Mzingo to force him to agree to follow the Circle of Life when Jasiri is appointed as the new leader of the Outlands.
Chungu was descended from the same clan of hyenas from the Elephant Graveyard that had helped Scar become the King of the Pride Lands before they were defeated by Simba and his allies.
One day when Chungu was a cub he came along with Cheezi to help Janja steal an egg. However they got stopped and chased out by Kion, Bunga, Fuli and Ono.
At some point during Chungu's life he meets a hyena named Jasiri. Jasiri knows that Chungu wasn't a nice hyena and that he didn't believe in the Circle of Life.
Chungu is sent by his leader, Janja, to get him some lunch. He and Cheezi grab Bunga when he enters the Outlands to find his baobab fruit. Although Kion is nearby, he and Cheezi taunt the young cub, until eventually Kion lets out a huge roar that sends both hyenas into shock, allowing the honey badger to escape.
Later, Chungu and Cheezi explain to their leader about what happened, but are met with laughter and humiliation. When the other hyenas receive a message from Mzingo regarding the formation of the new Lion Guard, Janja realizes that his henchmen were telling the truth.
Bunga rides Chungu
He declares that they will take down as many animals as they can in an attempt to stop this from happening by striking that very night, and Chungu joins the other hyenas in the raid. However, during the attack, Bunga springs onto Chungu's back and wraps his paws around his eyes. Chungu runs and joins the other hyenas, only to have Beshte charge them. The hyenas flee, though they regroup while Bunga saves Kiara. Once Kion uses the Roar of the Elders a second time, Chungu and the other hyenas scamper.
Chungu, Cheezi, and Janja are seen at chasing a herd of antelope in the Pride Lands with hopes of getting a meal, with Chungu commenting that he's always starving. The clan is quickly spotted by the Lion Guard who have noticed the stampeding animals, and Chungu starts to follow his leader. Kion chases the clan into the Outlands while the rest of the Lion Guard calm the herd. But whilst the hyenas make it safely across, they are unaware that Kion falls into the river as he calls for them to stay out and the log breaks.
Chungu vs Jasiri
Later, Janja assembles Chungu, Cheezi, and the rest of the clan to make sure that Jasiri leaves their territory, after she accidentally bumps into them having helped Kion return to the Pride Lands. When Jasiri puts up a fight, Cheezi fights first and Chungu second. However, he is quickly defeated by a simple bite, and the rest of their clan follow in battle. Kion shows up to help defend Jasiri against the clan. The hyenas lose the battle, and Kion uses his Roar of the Elders to knock the hyenas back, before they scamper away at Janja's orders.
Chungu listens to Janja's plan to take over the Pride Lands, laughing menacingly. When Kiara later agrees to Mzingo's peace proposal and travels into the Outlands to meet with the clan, Janja attacks her along with the rest of his clan. When the Lion Guard appears ready to battle the hyenas, Chungu is surprised when his leader makes a hasty retreat, but follows his orders and leaves with him.
Chungu and Cheezi sneak up on a wildebeest and prepare to attack it but are quickly foiled by the Lion Guard. The duo retreat back into the Outlands with their leader Janja.
"Outta the Way!"
Janja informs them of a plan on how to take down the Lion Guard now that Ono's eye is injured. Janja tries to explain by singing Outta the Way. Chungu and Cheezi join in enthusiastically, but much to Janja's irritation, they still do not understand the plan even after the trio finishes singing.
Cheezi and Chungu form rock piles and wait for the Lion Guard to come rushing down the ravine. They trap the Lion Guard, but it is a short lived victory. Ono rushes to the Lion Guard's aid, alerts the zebras of the hyenas' plans, and the hyenas quickly retreat back into the Outlands.
Chungu and his clan are seen running through the Outlands, chasing after a jackalpup who had trespassed into their territory. The pup turns sharply, sending Cheezi and the others skidding in the other direction and forming a pileup. Janja rolls free of the other hyenas and advances on the pup, who is backed into a wall, with Cheezi and Chungu on his flanks. Janja recalls that he had chased jackals out of his den the previous day, and decides to make an
Chasing Dogo
example of the pup. Cheezi grins as the hyenas charge forward, but when Janja lunges, he is intercepted by Kion, who has come to rescue the pup. Kion orders Janja to leave the pup alone, and Bunga reminds Janja that it's the day of Kupatana.
This amuses Janja, who laughs and tells Kion that if he wants the pup, he can have him. Surprised, Kion steps off of Janja, and the hyena clan retreats further into the Outlands.
Chungu is grooming Janja in the hyena den when Cheezi comes in, saying that there is a new meal to be had in the Outlands. The hyenas rush out of the den in hot pursuit of Bunga. After cornering the honey badger, they prepare to attack but are quickly stopped by Fuli. They chase both Fuli and Bunga down the path of hot lava, but the rest of The Lion Guard arrive just in time to save them. Janja, Cheezi and Chungu find themselves trapped across a burning log, still hungry.
Janja, Cheezi, and Chungu are sneaking around in the Pride Lands. They make certain to avoid Ono's watchful eye by hiding in a bush, but when Cheezi clumsily exits the bush, a branch swings back and hits Chungu in the face. Chungu protests complainingly, and Janja scolds him, reminding him that Ono can still hear them. Cheezi adds that they don't call Ono the Eyes in the Sky for nothing, but Janja contradicts him, to Chungu's puzzlement.
Kicked by Kwato
Later, the hyenas overhear the sound of five young animals- Mtoto, Kambuni, Kwato, Shauku, and Gumba- chasing after a trio of hyraxes. Janja points them out to Chungu and Cheezi, who laugh and make comments about eating them. The hyenas pusue the five animals, but when Chungu hears one of them calling his name, he wonders if they're actually chasing them. Janja explains that they're only playing pretend, but adds that it's about to get real. Janja, Cheezi, and Chungu approach the five young Pride Landers, and give chase to them, with Chungu running after Kwato and Shauku. However, Kwato kicks him into the face, and Chungu falls to the ground, declaring that the move wasn't fair. He returns to Janja, reporting that the little zebra is mean, and Janja reminds Chungu and Cheezi that there's still Mtoto.
Fleeing the crocodiles
They follow the elephant calf to the edge of a wide river and advance on him, but Beshte leaps out of the water, scaring them away, and has Mtoto climb onto his back. Janja, Cheezi, and Chungu pursue the pair of them as they swim down the river. Chungu balances on a branch hanging above the river, but Beshte grabs it and launches him into the water. The hyena trio continues to chase Beshte and Mtoto, but the rest of the Lion Guard arrives. Fuli knocks Chungu and Cheezi into the water, where a float of crocodiles give chase.
Chungu, Cheezi, and Janja chase after a herd of impalas. Chungu chuckles and compliments Janja on a joke he makes, but before the trio is done laughing, they collide with Beshte's behind. Fuli asks the hyenas what is so funny, and Chungu reminds them of the joke that Janja made. He laughs, then asks how it went again. Janja shoves a paw against his muzzle to silence him, and Chungu lowers his ears submissively. Kion warns the hyenas that he is giving them to the count of three to leave, and Chungu is surprised that he can count that high. Janja replies to Kion that they were just leaving, and Chungu, confused, agrees before asking if they were.
Capturing Tamaa
The hyenas pause to catch their breath, and Chungu remarks that sometimes he thinks the Lion Guard does not like them. They then hear Tamaa, mimicking Janja and declaring that he was going to eat someone. Janja denies it when Cheezi asks if he said he was going to eat him, causing Chungu to ask if he was going to eat him. Janja insists that he said nothing, and Chungu responds that it sure sounded like him. The hyenas locate and capture Tamaa, who requests that they don't eat him. Chungu observes that he is rather small, and Janja announces that they might not eat him if he helps them.
Letting Tamaa go
Tamaa imitates Kion and orders the impalas to go to the Outlands. Chungu laughs and runs after them with Janja and Cheezi. In the Outlands, Janja informs Tamaa that he will never let him go. Chungu snickers and tells Tamaa that he won't ever get away from them. Tamaa asks why he would want to leave, which bewilders Chungu. Tamaa explains that from now on, it will be just he and Janja working as partners. Chungu asks what would become of him and Cheezi, and Tamaa replies that Janja will no longer need them unless Cheezi lets him go. But Cheezi refuses, and Chungu laughs and says that they won't let him go until Janja tells them to. Tamaa asks if that is a fact, and Chungu confirms it. Tamaa then mimicks Janja, ordering Cheezi to let him go. Cheezi obeys, and Chungu comments that he doesn't think it was actually Janja who said that. Chungu wonders what they will tell Janja, and he and Cheezi agree to tell him nothing.
The hyenas flee
But as the hyenas sneak up on the impalas, Tamaa mimicks Kion, ordering Janja to let the impalas go. Chungu asks if they heard it, and Tamaa imitates all of the Guard members to frighten the hyenas. Chungu and Cheezi press against Janja, scared. However, Janja figures it out, and the hyenas approach Tamaa. They hear Kion's voice, and Chungu, impressed, observes that Tamaa didn't even move his mouth that time. It turns out to have been the real Kion, and the three hyenas flee.
Chungu, Cheezi, and Janja crouch on a hill in the Pride Lands. Janja points out a herd of zebras, and Chungu declares that their stripes are making him dizzy and falls to the ground. Janja decides to follow the zebras and spook them, and the hyena trio sings Panic and Run, laughing when they finish. Once the hyenas reach the zebras' home, Chungu asks Janja if they can chase them now. Janja denies, telling his companions to stick with the plan, and Chungu snickers. Janja tells Cheezi to just wait until he says go, and Chungu agrees, but soon asks Cheezi what Janja is going to say. Cheezi responds go, and Chungu, mistaking this for an order, charges away to chase the zebras, Cheezi on his heels. Chungu and Cheezi laugh and chant panic and run as they chase after the zebra herd.
Chungu is dizzy!
As the zebras run around Chungu, he declares that he wouldn't mind if they slowed down a little, as he is getting dizzy. He chases after a zebra with Cheezi, who points out that the zebras never even saw them coming. Chungu says that this is because zebras aren't very smart before crashing into Beshte's flank. Fuli points out that the zebras aren't the only ones, and Chungu is surprised to see the Lion Guard on the scene. He and Cheezi flee back into the Outlands, and Janja soon runs after them as they pass him.
In the Outlands, Janja, Cheezi, and Chungu hear the sound of a young zebra neighing.hey stand atop a ridge and sight a small herd of zebras and a gazelle, but notice that Kion and Bunga are with them. Janja, however, explains that the zebras will panic
Excited Chungu
and run when they attack, and Chungu agrees, declaring that zebras always do that. Chungu is glad when Janja says that they'll be able to pick off the zebras without thinking, remarking that that's how the trio does everything. He and Cheezi share a laugh before charging down the slope towards the herd.
Colliding with Kion
The Pride Landers are quick to compose themselves and circle around Muhimu and her son, shielding the vulnerable pair from attacks. Chungu attempts to scare the zebras with no results, and eventually attacks them instead. A zebra kicks him in the face, sending him flying and causing him to crash into Kion. The lion cub grabs Chungu and flings him in a circle before releasing him, hurling him into Cheezi and Janja. The three hyenas retreat, and Chungu says that zebras are too chewy for his liking anyway.
Chungu, Janja, Cheezi, Nne and Tano are near the Lion Guard, with Janja plotting to use some sticky mud to their advantage whilst they feast on some nearby Wildebeests. Since Janja planned everything, Chungu questions his leader if he was the reason it rained. Janja becomes annoyed at Chungu, and instead begins to put his plan in motion. However, he slips on the mud himself and comes face to face with the Lion Guard. Chungu and Cheezi slide down to join him, followed by Nne and Tano. Chungu and Cheezi start to embarrass Janja in front of the Guard, inadvertently explaining his plan to them despite Chungu forgetting the correct pronunciation for wildebeest. Furious, Kion uses the Roar of the Elders to blast them away back into the Outlands and Janja leaves annoyed. Soon after, he 'fires' Chungu and Cheezi. He promotes Nne and Tano to be his new crew members, banishing Chungu and Cheezi. Nne and Tano join in on Janja's command, scaring the two away.
Chungu sings a lament
Dejected, Chungu and Cheezi are at a loss on where to go after realizing that they have entered the Pride Lands. Chungu considers telling Janja that they finally did what he asked them to do, but Cheezi remembers his former leader's words. Cheezi then suggests cheering themselves up by pretending to be Janja, referring to each other as fur-brains. It fails, and Chungu begins to lament over their predicament. He soon becomes distracted when he sees some antelopes. He and Cheezi try to roleplay as Janja again, believing that he would want them to get the antelope. They decide to go their own way to catch the antelope, but end up going the same way as each other and frighten them away. As the antelope run away, they comment that they hate how fast the prey moves. They perk up when they notice some animal bones near a cliff and decide to eat them instead, since they won't move. As they feast, a landslide of mud topples down and sweeps them away.
Chungu chomps on leftovers
Ono notices the two mud covered animals sliding down the steep hill and approaching the edge. He immediately alerts the rest of the Guard. Beshte leaps in and uses his body to stop them from sliding down further and Kion and Fuli bring Chungu to safety (unknowingly) whilst Bunga saves Cheezi. When the hyenas reveal themselves, the Lion Guard are positive that Janja is nearby. Chungu and Chungu become excited over the prospect of their leader's possible return and explain to the Guard about what happened. After a short discussion between Kion and Ono, it is decided that they can stay, provided they clean up after the animals by eating only the carcasses, thus completing the Circle of Life instead of interfering with it. Chungu and Cheezi are only too happy to oblige, and chow down on a nearby skeleton, though they don't quite understand the Circle of Life as a concept.
Peacefully asleep
As Chungu and Cheezi slumber, Nne and Tano pass by them whilst still chasing some oryxes. Janja chases after his new henchmen, but collides with his former crew. They are overjoyed to see their leader, but Janja refuses to pay them attention and continues chasing after Nne and Tano instead. Chungu and Cheezi decide that it must have been a dream, and they quickly go back to sleep to dream about Janja again. A short while later, the Lion Guard arrive and wake up the sleepy hyenas to ask if another recent stampede was their doing. But it soon becomes apparent that whilst Janja was involved, they were innocent. Chungu and Cheezi decide that it must have been 'dream Janja', and the Lion Guard realizes that he must be around somewhere. Their suspicions are confirmed when they hear his voice, which excites Chungu and Cheezi. Together, they race off after the Lion Guard.
Chungu slides down to Janja
They are elated to find their leader on a rock down a cliff. Refusing to take the blame, Janja reveals Nne and Tano's plan and the Lion Guard race away, leaving Janja to question who's going to help him. Chungu and Cheezi proceed to leap down, landing on top of their leader. Janja questions how it will help, but it turns out that Chungu and Cheezi just wanted to keep him company.
"It means a lot to us."
Not long after, they hear the Roar of the Elders in the distance. This causes their rock to crumble, and plummet to the bottom of the cliff. The Lion Guard arrive to check that they're okay, before sending them home. Janja leaves first, but falters when Chungu and Cheezi don't follow him. He calls for his minions, and Chungu and Cheezi gleefully chase after him. In their euphoria, they bump into Janja and he responds with his usual nickname for them- fur-brains. Chungu and Cheezi gratefully accept his insult, and the three run back to the Outlands.
Chungu is referenced by Kion. When Jasiri arrives in the Pride Lands with a problem, he asks her if it's Janja and his hyenas, but she replies that it's actually lions causing the problem.
Chungu, Cheezi, Janja, Nne and Tano are chased out of the Pride Lands by the Lion Guard, having just stolen one gazelle. They hop over the border but, when the Lion Guard's back is turned, Janja leaps back into the Pride Lands, leaving Cheezi to remind him that they were only just kicked out of the Pride Lands with slight agitation. Janja asks them when do they actually listen to the Lion Guard, and Chungu answers Since never.
A powerful Roar
They re-enter the Pride Lands, but Chungu can't see the gazelle anywhere. Janja starts to speak with Cheezi, who is fretting over their unwanted presence in the Pride Lands but he is interrupted by the Queen, Nala. She orders them to leave, but Janja feigns confusion. When Nala leaps towards them, Chungu grows weary and starts to back down. But Janja is adamant that they can take her on, and Chungu readies himself for battle. He and the rest of his clan surround her, but Kion arrives just in time to stop them. His anger takes control and he unleashes a very powerful Roar of the Elders, which sends Chungu and the rest of his clan spiralling back into the Outlands.
Chungu, Cheezi and Janja approach a group of klipspringers that are trapped on a cliff. Before they can reach them, Ono calls out to get their attention. Upon realizing that he's alone, Janja tells his cohorts to ignore him, and continue. Ono announces that he's going to use the Hadithi Spin and charges at them with a selection of strange spins, but ends up crashing into a wall instead. Chungu and Cheezi get excited at the prospect of more food, and run over to him while their leader gets the 'main course' ready.
The arrival of Fuli
When they finally approach the egret, Ono warns them not to come any further. To their surprise, Fuli appears from around the cliffside, and warns them away. Chungu cries out Run(!) and the pair retreat, falling onto Janja along the way. Cheezi apologizes to his leader, while Chungu claims that Cheezi pushed him. Janja ignores their excuses, and calls for them to follow him to the klipspringers, which are getting away thanks to the other Guard members.
Excited Chungu
When they start to cross, they are startled by Ono and a large eagle as they loop around them. They briefly stop, and Ono calls for Hadithi to continue. Cheezi and Chungu are oblivious to the name, but Janja recognizes it and becomes concerned. With Ono constantly looping around them, Chungu complains that he's starting to get dizzy, but the three eventually fall into the water below. Cheezi questions who "that big guy with the feathers" was, and Janja irritably informs them that it's Hadithi, the legendary eagle, belittling them for not knowing. Much to his further annoyance, Cheezi and Chungu are thrilled to be beaten by a legend.
Cheezi and Chungu are alone outside their den speaking about how hungry they are, when they hear some strange sounds. They race away to find Uroho, and question him on the sounds. The baboon asks them to take a seat and they do, looking towards him expectantly. Uroho then presents them with a joke, and starts off by saying that two hyenas go to the watering hole to take a bath. This causes the pair to burst out laughing, when suddenly, two other baboons leap on their head to get past them, followed by Janja, who orders them to catch Uroho. He orders them to catch him, but the two hyenas are too amused by his jokes.
After Janja reminds them that he's food, they soon comply. But before he leaves, Uroho offers them another joke - What do you call hyenas covered in mud? He then leaps down on the edge of a rock, spraying them with mud. Neither hyena understands the joke, until Cheezi realizes that they're the punchline.
The baboons are cornered
They chase the baboons into a clearing, but end up becoming dizzy. But Uroho guides his friends into a dead end cave, and the hyenas are able to seal them in. Before they can attack, the Lion Guard arrive, demanding that they step away from them. When the hyenas refuse to back down, the Guard attack, with Chungu charging Beshte only to be quickly defeated. Before long, all three hyenas are defeated. They then run back into the Outlands, with Chungu telling his leader the first joke they heard from Uroho. Although their leader does not reply, Cheezi and Chungu laugh together.
With the Dry Season proving tough, Chungu and his clan try to take down Ma Tembo's Herd in a desperate attempt to get food. But before they can feast, Beshte arrives and headbutts the entire clan. When approached by the Guard, they retreat, trampling over Ushari in the process.
Rather than return home, the clan try again, this time aiming for Big Baboon's Troop who have joined the elephants as well. Chungu tries to grab a baboon, but Bunga arrives and carries him away. When he and his clan follow them to a dead end, Kion almost unleashes a dark Roar of the Elders in his fury, but is able to calm himself. When the Roar is performed, the hyenas are sent back to the Outlands.
Chungu pins Ushari
When they return home, Cheezi notices Ushari and the hyenas decide to eat him. Chungu pins the cobra down, but Ushari shares some information with them that he gained through Makini, Rafiki's new apprentice. Although hesitant, Janja starts to warm up to the snake after he mentions Scar. Janja agrees to let him gather information back in the Pride Lands, but they will be following him, just in case he tries to escape from them.
The "creepy" skinks
They overhear Ushari's conversation with Makini, keeping a safe distance. When finished, Ushari then reveals some friends of his who can help track down Makini and Rafiki to find out even more information - the skinks. Cheezi and Chungu find the creatures to be 'creepy', and take an instant dislike to them. But they soon leave, with Nyeusi aiming to gather more information. Chungu comments that they're lucky they won't see him, and Cheezi agrees with his friend. Ushari tells them that to get Scar summoned, they need a Bakora Staff and for the Roar of the Elders to be used. After they plot to bring back a legend, the hyenas run over Ushari by mistake in their haste.
Singing to the princess
They return to the Pride Lands and Cheezi tackles Kiara to the ground, leaving Chungu to pick her up and take her back to the Outlands. When they arrive home, Chungu throws her into a geyser pit, and laugh at her futile attempts to escape. When Janja leaves to deal with the inevitable return of Kion, he orders them to keep their guest entertained. Unsure of what exactly to do, they start singing to her, much to the cub's dismay. When the rest of the Lion Guard arrive they rescue Kiara before the hyenas can stop them. Cheezi and Chungu wonder what to do next, and Cheezi suggests that Chungu sings to him instead, and he starts.
In the Outlands Volcano, Janja reminds Cheezi and Chungu that even though Scar is their boss, they are to listen to what he says over anyone else. Chungu asks what he said, and Cheezi replies that he said listen to me, which confuses Chungu, who is already listening to him. Cheezi then states that he didn't mean 'me me' he meant 'him me' and gesticulates his head towards Janja. Just then, Njano arrives and informs them that Beshte is alone in the Outlands. When Scar appears interested, Cheezi and Chungu also show their (timid) support. When they hear how they'll be able to eat anything they like, they become intrigued. Scar then goes on to tell them of his plan.
Chungu holding Ono with his teeth
When the plan begins, Janja, Cheezi and Chungu watch the skinks lure Beshte into a canyon below Rocky Plateau. They reach the top, and start to push rocks onto the ground, trapping Beshte in a small area. They continue pushing rocks, trying to squash the hippo. After growing annoyed at the hippo's dodges, Chungu asks him if he could stop moving, but the hippo refuses. With no more room for him to dodge, Janja, Cheezi and Chungu start to push a very large boulder over the edge that they had been saving for last. But the Lion Guard arrive just in time to save their team member, with Fuli stopping the rock from falling. While Kion warns the hyenas away, Ono starts to peck at Cheezi and Chungu, but is caught by the latter's teeth. Before Cheezi can take a bite, Bunga pushes Cheezi aside, and Ono resumes pecking Chungu's head. Kion then backs the hyenas onto the edge, and uses his Roar to send them far away. When they get up, Chungu asks if Scar will be mad. Knowing that he will be, Janja suggests that they don't have to return right away, but Ushari is waiting nearby, telling them that Scar wishes to see him. And he's not happy. Chungu cowers behind his leader.
In the Outlands, Janja, Cheezi and Chungu are searching for the jackals, with Scar wishing to speak with them. Chungu wonders what they're going to do, and even wonders if they can eat them. But Jasiri appears, and quickly marks the area as her turf, something which Janja forgot to do (and he promptly blames his two minions for this error). She allows them to walk through, but Janja chooses to fight her in order to get it back. But after Janja is defeated, Cheezi and Chungu are also kicked back. They have no choice but to retreat.
When they return to the volcano, Ushari is hesitant to ask if they found them. Chungu tells him how they found Jasiri instead, and Janja continues to explain how she is fearless. Scar arrives and considers adding her to their crew, until Janja, Cheezi and Chungu tell him that she is the the worst hyena we know. Scar decides against this, instead ordering Janja to bring the entire clan to bring her down.
Chungu, and Cheezi chasing after the two cubs
When they find Jasiri, they see her playing hide and seek with Madoa, with Tunu and Wema by Jasiri's side. While Janja and his clan distract her, Cheezi and Chungu chase after the young cubs. But she soon catches up to them and pushes them away. But after doing so, Janja forces her and the cubs into an open vent, and the hyenas watch from above, waiting for the lava inside to rise. But the Lion Guard arrive before they are harmed and, after a short talk, they engage in combat. Cheezi and Chungu are quickly taken out by Beshte, who charges straight into them. They soon notice Thurston in the Outlands, and decide to approach him instead. Cheezi and Chungu approach him, and Thurston questions why they're in the Pride Lands. The two hyenas become confused at how similar the "Pride Lands" are to the Outlands, and ask Thurston how they can get back to the Outlands before they eat him. He proudly tells them.
"Oh the zebra, we forgot to eat him"
Eventually, the Lion Guard defeat the hyenas, and Cheezi and Chungu join their leader in a retreat, asking if they're returning to the Outlands. They go on to say that the zebra told them how to get home, but Chungu realizes that they didn't eat him like they were going to. Cheezi assures him that they can do it the next time, and Chungu invites Thurston to join them for dinner if he's ever in the Outlands, which Thurston is grateful for.
Chungu, Cheezi and Janja are trying to steal the elephants supply of Tikiti Melons in the Pride Lands, until they're interrupted by the Lion Guard. They try to escape with melons, but are unsuccessful, with Fuli and Beshte working together to steal back a melon from Chungu in the process. They then return to the Outlands Volcano, where Chungu tells Scar of the contents of the tikiti melons. Scar then orders them to attack the melon patch for a second time, with the help of Kenge, a friend which Ushari explains to them about.
Meeting Kenge
Before they meet Kenge, Chungu questions just how big he could be. Chungu and the rest of the hyenas become confused after meeting Kenge, with Chungu commenting that he wouldn't want to be his friend (though Kenge assures them that they aren't anyway). Later, when Kenge causes a disturbance, Chungu, Cheezi, and Janja watch as the Lion Guard arrive, and are defeated by Kenge, leaving only Ono and Bunga unharmed. They retreat with Kenge, only after Bunga's use of a Stink Bomb. However, they soon return to melon patch for their second assault.
Chungu, and Cheezi mocking Janja
Once in the melon patch, and after Kenge's establishes his role as leader (not helped by Cheezi and Chungu mockingly reminding Janja how much he loves to remind them that he's in charge), they prepare to make their escape. They encounter Bunga and Ono at the entrance to the melon patch. Kenge distracts the two allowing the hyenas to go a different path. A low dive by Ono forces Chungu, and Cheezi to loss control over their melons. Shortly after, Bunga manages to knock out the three hyenas by throwing melons at them. After Bunga and Ono are defeated by Kenge, the hyenas, and Kenge, escape with the melons to the Outlands.
The hyenas watch in horror
Once in Embamba Canyon, Bunga arrives and starts taunting Kenge. Chungu, Cheezi, and Janja watch on in horror as Bunga repeatedly taunts the monitor lizard, completely oblivious to Makini re-capturing their melons. He soon loses his temper, and accidentally bites all the hyenas in his attempts to grab Bunga, leaving Chungu to agree with the honey badger that Kenge can't tell the difference between a honey badger and a hyena. The Lion Guard soon show up, and Kion uses Roar blows the Hyenas back to the Outlands.
Janja, Cheezi and Chungu are lurking in a bush, waiting for Zazu to arrive. Having been told by Scar to grab him, they wait for the bird to swoop down in a clearing before pouncing. Chungu grabs the bird in his mouth, and takes him back to the Outlands.
In the Outlands, Cheezi and Chungu keep watch on Zazu, who is trapped in an animal rib cage. While they taunt him, Janja speaks with Scar in the volcano. Zazu is most unimpressed when the two hyenas make weak jokes about his predicament, with Cheezi even drooling over the hornbill. They suggest eating him, until Zazu reminds them that it would probably upset their leader. Having narrowly missed getting scolded by Janja, Chungu thanks Zazu for the advice.
Chungu almost frees his prisoner Zazu
Zazu tries to persuade Cheezi and Chungu into letting him free by claiming that they are smarter than Janja. He tells them that the smart thing to do would be to let him go free, though this leads Cheezi to confusion. When Zazu decides that they're both the smartest, he seems to understand. Just when Chungu is about free him, Janja arrives. He orders Zazu to talk, but the hornbill is left unintimidated by the trio. When the rest of Janja's clan arrive, Zazu feigns defeat, before crying out at the top of his voice for help. Annoyed, Janja rolls the cage to the steam vent, prompting Zazu to finally give in. He opens up to them about Simba, but none of the information is helpful to the hyenas. But in the distance, his singing is overheard by the Lion Guard.
Chungu burns his paws
When he finishes, the information is of no use to the hyenas and they decide to eat him instead, letting the steam warm him up. But the Lion Guard arrive just in time and start to fight Janja's Clan, with Ono taking on Chungu. The hyena leaps up a couple of times to grab the egret, who lures him towards a steam vent, causing Chungu to shriek out in pain. When the hornbill is saved, Janja calls for his clan to retreat, angry that they received no important information. Cheezi is glad, since, although he and Chungu learned a lot from the bird, he has already forgotten everything that Zazu has told them about Simba. Chungu, however, does remember where Simba takes his bath much to Janja's annoyance.
Chungu and several other clan members are chasing Twiga and Juhudi in the Pride Lands when the Lion Guard arrive to stop them. But they notice Fuli, Bunga and Ono splitting up after the latter spots Reirei's Pack elsewhere. Janja sends Nne and Tano to slow them down and, when they fail, Janja sends Chungu and Cheezi out to assist them. With all four of them combined, they are able to do just that. But to their surprise, their leader calls them back before they are able to cause too much trouble.
"Ooh, ooh! That means he can sense you!"
They meet up with Reirei's pack in the Outlands and return to the volcano, where they hear from Scar about his next plan - to confuse the Lion Guard by splitting up as they had just done so and take down Rafiki. Scar worries about the mandrill's ability to sense the Great Lions of the Past, and Chungu exclaims that it includes Scar, who is surprised to announce that Chungu is right. After a bit of squabbling, Janja's clan is chosen to take out Rafiki. When they leave, both leaders argue about who is the smartest, with Chungu failing to back up his leader's words.
Ready for battle
They soon reach Rafiki near Mapango Cliffs, but are quickly overpowered by the mandrill, who knocks Chungu away on two occasions. When the Lion Guard arrive, they are again defeated. Reirei's pack arrive to even out the odds, and Chungu joins everyone for one final battle against the Lion Guard, Tamaa and Rafiki. Chungu is quickly pushed back by Beshte's body and, despite giving it their all, they are once again defeated, and retreat to the Outlands.
Under Scar's order, Chungu and the rest of his clan attacks the Lion Guard as they make their way up the Outlands Volcano. Cheezi rushes towards Fuli, but is foiled when she leaps out of the way, and Cheezi instead plunges into a rock. After he gets up, he attempts again to cause a problem, only for Makini to accidentally trip him up with her Bakora staff, defeating Cheezi.
Later, Cheezi and the rest of the newly formed Army of Scar approach the Lion Guard, cornering them over the volcano. Kion uses the Roar of the Elders to force some of the army away, causing Janja's clan to take their turn. But like those before them, they are left defeated back in the volcano.
Cheezi and all of his accomplices set Kilio Valley on fire and drive the elephants out, forcing even the Lion Guard to leave the valley to them.
After he and the other villains successfully take over the valley, Reirei comments that they couldn't even find their own tail if it wasn't for the jackals, causing Chungu to wonder where his own tail went. Shortly after Kiburi hits him with his tail, Scar appears after Mwoga drops an ember and congratulates them for winning, and proceeds to tell them to stay in the valley, explaining to him and the others it’s all part of his plan to take over the Pridelands piece by piece.
Chungu stands by Janja’s side when he announces that he was going to be their leader, but he is kicked out of the spotlight by Reirei.
Later, Cheezi is spotted by Ono arguing with the other villains over who should lead the ruined valley.
Cheezi and Chungu return to the Outlands to act as a lookout, with Chungu commenting on how hungry he is. When the two spot a chameleon named Kinyonga on a nearby rock, the pair try to bite the chameleon. After Kinyonga 'disappears' in front of him, Chungu believes that Cheezi stole her from him. Cheezi believes he did, commenting on how good she tasted and leaving Chungu dismayed for his friend's reputation, considering that he was much more hungry than Cheezi.
A soaking wet hyena
Later, he and the other hyenas heed to Scar's orders and begin to dump rocks into Hakuna Matata Falls to block the Pride Landers' main water source. After Janja orders him to push the biggest rock and they can't, they run off after realizing the rock is actually Beshte in disguise. The rest of the Lion Guard reveal themselves and, when Cheezi questions where they came from, Kinyonga appears to tell them that they learned it from her. Startled by the chameleon, the trio dive into the water. Cheezi realizes that he didn't steal her earlier after all, just before they fall down Hakuna Matata Falls. Once they move to solid ground, Janja decides not to tell Scar about their defeat by the Lion Guard, and blame it on the rocks and foliage instead. Cheezi replies that it's that kind of thinking that makes him Janja, before they are chased away by Kion's warning.
While Janja is at a meeting with Scar, Chungu and Cheezi wander into the Pridelan
"Cheezi, didn't we just get an idea?"
ds and hearing Thurston Singing How he's the Brains behind the Lion Guard. They decide to bring him into the Outlands. Thurston decides to leave his herd when he is called over by the hyenas, who tell him that he's going somewhere with them. He recognizes them from a previous encounter and sees them as no threat. When asked where they're going, the two tell him that they're going to a big party, with him as their guest of honor. With the additional promise of snacks, if Thurston is there, the zebra agrees to go with them and starts talking about how he didn't really wish to return to his herd anyway. Thurston tells them about the guard's weakness and says one of them is how flowers will make them s
"The Sneezing Flowers"
neeze a lot if they rub it against their noises. Chungu and Cheezi decide to leave Thurston and they go to find the flowers. After The Lion Guard helps a pangolin find his family the two hyenas come up and start to rub the flowers against their noises. Nothing seems to work and Beshte pushes them away. Later they meet up with Goigoi, Nudli, and Tamka and they fight over which part of Thurston they wanna eat. The guard comes to save Thurston and they all panic and run.
After hearing that Jasiri has made a Hyena Resistance to ruin all of Scar's plans. Scar orders his army to surround her clan and get rid of them. The Lion Guard comes to save her clan and Kion uses the roar to blow them away.
Scar orders his army to crash the celebration that's at Mizimu Grove. Chungu and
Being scared by the king
Cheezi get scared by King Simba. After Scar shows himself in front of the Pride Landers they all start to panic and run. Kion uses the roar and blasts the Outlanders away.
Janja sits on a rock, talking to Cheezi and Chungu. They mention that Kion has been growing up and his roar is now more powerful than ever. Janja's clan go into the
Standing beside the Lion Guard
Pridelands. They head into the The Lair of the Lion Guard where they have a little battle with the Lion Guard. However it gets set on fire and Beshhte tries to find a way out. The hyenas follow the guard and see Scar on top of Pride Rock. Scar soon leaves when Janja and Jasiri come in. Janja says he knows how to defeat Scar by using Kion's roar. The next morning Kion leads the herds into the Outlands to fight agaisnt Scar's army. Once they come out of the volcano Kion says that Scar have been defeated. Soon the hyenas start to wonder who's in charge of the Outlands now. Janja says that Jasiri should be in charge.
Chungu and Cheezi come out from hiding along with Madoa. They are both happy to see their leader Janja and thought that they wouldn't see him again. Kion a
Happy to see Janja
sks what has happend to Zira. Madoa explains that they went into the Pride Lands not long after Janja and Jasiri left. They didn't see what happened next because they were hiding. Soon Mzingo and his vultures come to help fight. Vitani and her Lion Guard spots them and starts a fight. Kiara soon comes with her mate Kovu and they explain that Zira has completed her journey through the Circle of Life. Kion thanks Jasiri and the Outlanders for their help. Chungu and the rest of the hyenas come to Kion and Rani's wedding at the Tree of Life
Chungu, Cheezi and their leader Janja are in the Pride Lands. When the Lion Guard spot them, they run towards a large canyon, where they fool the Lion Guard into getting lost inside. The Lion Guard are able to escape the maze though, and Janja orders his henchmen to go after them. They all go different ways and soon realize that they have gotten themselves lost in their own trap.
Janja, Cheezi and Chungu kidnap Timon and Pumbaa when they wander too close to the Outlands. Although Chungu is worried that they are friends with the Lion Guard, Janja does not care. If the Guard choose Bunga's route, they find Janja, Cheezi and Chungu fast asleep having taken a nap along the way back home. The Guard use Termites to break open a thorn cage that they have placed the duo in and, when they awake, the bugs bite Janja's nose.
If the Guard choose Ono's route, Janja leaves his prisoners on a rock surrounded by lava in the Outlands. The Guard are able to save Timon and Pumbaa by getting Beshte to push some rocks into the lava, redirecting the flow. Janja arrives to discover that the lava flow has been redirected to his own lair.
Janja and his crew go on a night hunt in the Pride Lands until the Lion Guard enters the scene thanks to a little bat alerting them. During the chase, Janja is alerted by one of his clan members that Cheezi and Chungu ended separated from them and decided to use that to their advantage. While the guard was chasing them, Cheezi and Chungu would bring something back. As Janja waits for them at the border between the Pride Lands and the Outlands, he begins to get annoyed that his two members haven't arrived yet. Until, the two come sliding down from the cliffs right into him; upset at another failed plan Janja calls them useless and returns to the Outlands.