Chama is a well-built adolescent gray elephant, with a light-gray underbelly and toes. He has a thin tail with a clump of darker gray fur at the end. His eyes are rimmed with dark-gray and his eyes are pure black. He has two large pink ears, and two wisps of hair at the top of his head. His white tusks are small, yet larger and more noticeable than those of Mtoto.
Chama is noisy, disruptive, and obstreperous, yet he can be very jocose and playful. Although his pranks can easily chafe others, he means no harm. Despite his freewheeling attitude to life, he is capable of being serious and helping others in need, putting any personal disappointments behind him.
After being kicked out of his herd, Chama and his two friends, Mzaha and Furaha decide to move in next to Rafiki's Tree. The three make a ruckus, with Chama teasing Furaha while Mzaha headbutts the tree. When the mandrill comes down, Chama introduces them and tell Rafiki the good news, but Rafiki insists they leave. His apprentice, Makini, noticing how friendly they are, persuades her mentor to let them stay, provided they stay quiet enough for Makini to practice. After revealing to her that she will be painting for the royal family, the group agree to be quiet, but not before Chama belches as they leave. He apologizes, and the trio burst out laughing.
Chama belches to the Lion Guard
Later, Rafiki returns with the Lion Guard in tow where they see Makini, Chama, and Mzaha cheering Furaha as he beats his bug eating record. Rafiki asks Makini if this is her practising and she swiftly leaves the group. Beshte approaches and greets the three animals, asking why they aren't with their herds. Chama states that they were kicked out, belching along with Mzaha and Furaha (followed by Bunga who wanted to join in). The Guard offer to take them home and Rafiki insists, telling them that it's their part in the Circle of Life, which prompts them to return. But then they realize that it means they won't be together. After Ono lands, the Guard are given an animal to return home. The three friends chant their names together in sorrow before leaving.
Chama sprays dirt by mistake
While Kion explains the situation to Ma Tembo, Chama inhales some sand in his trunk, shoots it out, and Bunga slides down his trunk and through the dust cloud. Bunga wishes to do it again, but when Kion sternly calls Bunga's name, he stops, though Chama jokes a little with the honey badger after inhaling more dust. Eventually, Ma Tembo agrees to take back Chama so long as he behaves himself as part of the herd. Chama agrees, and Kion and Bunga take their leave. But as they head off, Bunga belches, causing Chama to burst out laughing and disperse the sand he had stored in his trunk all over Ma Tembo. Kion suggests just one more chance.
Chama has fun with his pals
But when it doesn't work out, Chama leaves his herd once again. Seen feasting on some leaves on a small tree, he is found by Furaha and Mzaha. They speak of how they didn't fit in, with Chama stating that his herd could not take a joke. They decide that they need to stick together and utter their chant. After, the three of a kind friends start running across the Pride Lands, playing together and performing pranks on several unsuspecting Pride Landers along the way. They then make the decision to return to Rafiki's tree.
But when they return, they are dismayed to find that the mandrill does not want them near his tree, and he orders them to leave. Not wishing to be a burden, they leave.
Chama Saves Rafiki
When Chama hears Rafiki calling for help, they swiftly return to help out. Chama starts by inhaling dirt and sprays it along the path leading to the tree. Mzaha then uses his short horns to create a trench leading there while Furaha keeps digging more for the trench. After calling to them, Rafiki lands on Chama and Makini lands on Mzaha. When they are led out, the mandrills express their gratitude away from the fire, where Chama reveals that he was the one who heard them. The three animals then return to save the tree.
The new "family"
Soon, the Lion Guard arrive to help them. When they're nearly done, Chama finishes the job by inhaling and spraying a trail of dust across the fire. With the fire extinguished, Rafiki offers his three saviors the opportunity to live next to his tree, if they can be a bit quieter. But the animals kindly decline, since they have found a tree near Big Springs where they can be as loud as they want. Mzaha comments that's perfect for their family, and Chama goes on to say that perhaps they already have a family, hence their inability to settle on their own. They perform their chant and Rafiki insists that they at least be his guest at the ceremony, and they accept.
At the ceremony, the three friends have a first row view of Makini's painting. They are awed by her work.