Media related to The Lion Guard TV series and The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar.
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The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar -
Return to the Pride Lands -
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We're the Same (Sisi Ni Sawa) -
Of the Same Pride -
The Scorpion's Sting -
Lions of the Outlands
All items (395)
- A Beautiful Day (Ni Siku Nzuri)
- A New Way to Go
- A Real Meal
- A Remedy For Impatience
- A Snow Monkey's Home
- A Test For The Guard
- A to Z with the Lion Guard
- Adventures of The Lion Guard
- An Enemy In Trouble
- Animal Rescue
- Anything
- As You Move Forward
- As You Move On
- Baboons!
- Baboons! (book)
- Baboons! (song)
- Babysitter Bunga
- Babysitter Bunga (book)
- Baobab Ball (video game)
- Battle for the Pride Lands
- Beshte and the Beast
- Beshte and the Hippo Lanes
- Beshte's Log Bashing Strength Challenge
- Beware of the Zimwi
- Beware the Zimwi
- Big Bad Kenge
- Bird of a Thousand Voices
- Bring Back a Legend
- Bunga and the King
- Bunga and the King/Clips
- Bunga the Brave
- Bunga the Wise
- Bunga the Wise (book)
- Bunga the Wise (song)
- Bunga the Wise/Clips
- Bunga's Bounding Bravery Challenge
- Calf in Danger
- Call of the Guard (Full Version)
- Call of the Guard (Opening Theme)
- Can't Wait to be Queen
- Can't Wait to be Queen (book)
- Can't Wait to be Queen/Clips
- Cave of Secrets
- Cave Paintings
- Christmas in the Pride Lands
- Christmas in the Pride Lands (credits)
- Chungu's Lament
- Circle of Life (Song)
- Climbing with Bunga
- Color Me
- Connect & Play
- Copy Colouring
- Defending the Pride Lands
- Die Garde der Löwen CD-Hörspielreihe
- Disney Color and Play
- Disney Junior Appisodes
- Disney Junior Music
- Disney Junior Music Dance Party! The Album
- Disney Junior Music Holiday Hits
- Disney Junior Nursery Rhymes
- Disney Junior Puzzles
- Disney Junior Theme Songs
- Divide and Conquer
- Don't Make a Stink
- Dragon Island
- Duties of the King
- Fabulous Dhahabu
- Family Pride
- Find Your Roar
- Fire from the Sky
- First Look and Find
- Five Little Monkeys
- Follow That Hippo!
- Follow That Hippo! (Big Golden Book)
- Follow That Hippo! (Little Treasures)
- Follow That Hippo!/Clips
- Friends to the End
- Friends to the End (song)
- Fujo
- Fuli Finds Her Place
- Fuli's New Family
- Fuli's New Family/Clips
- Fuli's Super Sprint Speed Challenge
- Learning by Experience
- Let Sleeping Crocs Lie
- Let's Help Rafiki!
- Life in the Pride Lands
- Life in the Pride Lands (DVD)
- Lion Guard, Defend!
- Lions of the Outlands
- Lions Over All
- Little Golden Book Favorites
- Little Old Ginterbong
- Long Live the King
- Long Live The Lion Guard!
- Long Live the Queen
- Long Live the Queen (song)
- Look on the Bright Side
- Make Way for Bunga the Wise
- Makin' Hippo Lanes
- Makuu's Trap
- Mama Binturong
- Marsh of Mystery
- May There Be Peace
- Meet Kion
- Meet the Lion Guard
- Meet the New Guard
- Mega Colouring
- Mulberry Bush
- Music from the Disney Junior Series Soundtrack
- My Busy Books
- My Epic Roar
- My First Puzzle Book
- My Own Way
- My World