The Lion Guard Wiki
The Lion Guard Wiki



You always make me proud, Beshte.

–Basi to Beshte Beshte and the Hippo Lanes

Beshte is very close to his father, and becomes very concerned whenever Basi is in
Return-to-the-Pride-Lands (340)
jured or in danger. He yearns to make Basi proud of him, and enjoys spending time with him.

Beshte also has a habit of quoting his father, showing that he pays attention to his father’s words of wisdom.

Friends, Allies & Acquaintances[]


Kion will never turn evil

–Beshte to Bunga about Kion Friends to the End

Kion is one of Beshte's closest friends and the two have a very good relationship. They are often together whenever The Lion Guard split up, which shows that they can work well together. Beshte appears to never question his leader and forga
Journey-of-Memories (58)
ve him immediately for accidentally getting him swept into the Outlands in "Swept Away".

Kion and Beshte share similarities with each other. They are both laid back, yet assertive in battle and they both despair in disappointing their fathers.  In "Friends to the End" Kion yells at Beshte and tells him to stop being nice. Kion then apologizes to him and Beshte says that's it was his scar talking.


Better late than never, right, Big B?

–Bunga to Beshte Follow That Hippo!

Beshte and Bunga appear to have a brotherl
Battle-for the-Pride Lands (232)
y relationship. The two often call each other nicknames such as "Little B" (for Bunga) and "Big B" (for Beshte). However, Beshte, unlike Fuli, only got annoyed with Bunga antics, once in "Never Judge a Hyena by Its Spots".

Beshte often shows concern over Bunga, particularly when he rushes into things. Bunga can always rely on Beshte to help him out of a tough situation.


Guess nothing, Ono. You're the Pride Land's Smartest.

–Beshte to Ono The Harmattan

Ono is a super close friend of Beshte's and rides around on his back in a lot of episodes
Journey-to-the-Pride-Lands (713)


. Beshte never questions Ono. He always believes in him because knows that his bird friend is the brains of the Lion Guard and knows everything. 

The two always show consideration for one another, even when Ono, along with Bunga, disbelieved in Ajabu in "The Imaginary Okapi"


Thanks, Beshte.

–Fuli to Beshte Battle for the Pride Lands

Fuli is one of Beshte's closest friends and the two never seem to argue. They always seem to agree on everything that is best for the Pridelands. Fuli often assumes a role of
Battle-for the-Pride Lands (828)
leadership, but Beshte never questions her about her authority. However, Beshte loves rolling in mud and swimming, but Fuli does not like either of them.

However, she still immediately forgave him for accidentally knocking her into water in "Fuli's New Family"

In "Battle for the Pride Lands" Beshte helps Fuli when the lair was on fire. 


I don't mind, Beshte. After all, you're still my number one hero!

–Mtoto to Beshte Ono's Idol

Follow-That-Hippo! (384)

Beshte is Mtoto's idol and he is honored to be looked up to by him. Beshte does his best to guide Mtoto on the right path. He was very impressed with the young elephant for spraying a group of evil crocodiles in "Follow that Hippo". He was very proud of Mtoto for receiving an honorary "Mark of the Guard". Beshte likes it when Mtoto learns everything he knows. 

Beshte felt very upset when Mtoto and the other elephants were about to evacuate The Pridelands in "The Kilio Valley Fire". He instructed the little elephant to hide from the predators in "The Fall of Mizimu Grove". Beshte was also very happy that Mtoto got to play the strongest elephant in "The Ukumbusho Tradition".     


Don't worry, Kiara. I can carry you!

–Beshte to Kiara The Lion Guard: The Rise of Scar

TLG-The-Rise-of-Scar (1714)

Beshte seems to have a good relationship with the princess as he helped save her from Janja's clan in Can't Wait to be Queen and The Rise of Scar. In Bunga and the King, they perform Hakuna Matata with the rest of the Royal Family and the Guard for the elephants.


Don't be sad, Makini. Your detours are really fun.

–Beshte to Makini Journey of Memories

Beshte and Makini seem to be good friends. They first met in the Rise of Scar, but she later helped the Guard heal from a Kenge's bite in
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The Bite of Kenge and save Simba in The Scorpion's Sting. When Nne and Tano attempt an attack on her while they are on their way to the Outlands Volcano, Beshte is the one that comes to the rescue.


You were never a bad guy, Hodari. And I will always be your friend. Till the Pride Lands end.

–Beshte to Hodari The Little Guy

The-Little-Guy (205)

Hodari and Beshte are good friends as he believes in Hodari's dream to become apart of a crocodile float. Beshte even asked Makuu to give Hodari a chance.

Hodari briefly fell out with Beshte when the gecko fell into Kiburi's trap, and believed that Beshte was just angry at him for following his dream with a crocodile that Beshte did not approve of. However, later, when Kiburi betrayed Hodari, he was surprised to hear that the hippo still cared for him despite his actions, and helped him to save Makuu.


Gee, Makuu. You didn't have to hurt his feelings.

–Beshte to Makuu about Hodari The Little Guy

Makuu and Beshte, like everyone else, started off as enemies, with Makuu taking
The-Little-Guy (280)
a hatred for The Pridelands's hippos. 

Although, at the start of The Dry Season, Makuu grew wiser and reformed into a good leader. Now, he and Beshte are on good terms. In "The Savannah Summit" Beshte helps Makuu when he was falling in a pit. Later, in "The Little Guy" Beshte introduces his friend Hodari to Makuu. However, Makuu laughs at Hodari when he asks to be part of his float. Later, while fighting Kiburi Makuu allows Beshte's friend to join his float.


Yeah. You don't want to be in the Outlands at night.

–Beshte to Kinyonga Undercover Kinyonga

Undercover-Kinyonga (263)

Kinyonga and Beshte are shown to be friends. When Kinyonga heads into the Outlands to spy on Scar, Beshte expresses his concern and hopes no harm would come to her. She praises Beshte and the Lion Guard for learning the art of camouflage.


But you can still be nice and stand up for yourself.

–Beshte to Badili The Trouble With Galagos

The-Trouble-With-Galagos (603)

Beshte was the one who helped Badili get stronger and defended him from Mapigano when he couldn’t and once he completes his training, he is able to stop his bully, which makes Beshte proud of him and the two remain on good terms as of now.


Thanks, Beshte.

–Timon to Beshte Timon and Pumbaa's Christmas

Timon-and-Pumbaa's-Christmas (90)

Beshte and Timon seem to be good friends and Timon even refers to him as a friend in after he and the rest of the Lion Guard perform The Twelve Ways of Christmas. When he, Pumbaa, Bunga, and many other Pride Landers invite him, Kion, Ono, and Fuli to go on a tour with them, he even said it sounds like fun.


Bunga-the-Wise (627)

Beshte and Pumbaa seem to be good friends and Pumbaa even refers to him as a friend in after he and the rest of the Lion Guard perform The Twelve Ways of Christmas. When he, Pumbaa, Bunga, and many other Pride Landers invite him, Kion, Ono, and Fuli to go on a tour with them, he even said it sounds like fun.


You handled those two hyenas all by yourself.You handled those two hyenas all by yourself.

–Beshte to Thurston Rescue in the Outlands

Swept-Away (41)

Beshte has saved Thurston's life on a number of occasions. The hippo has saved the zebra from hyenas, dry mud, falling into a waterfall, and from a wildfire. Thurston once came with him, the rest of the Lion Guard, and Madoa to the Outlands to save Jasiri, Tunu, and Wema from Janja's Clan and he helped them by distracting Cheezi and Chungu with his stupidity.


Maybe we just need to do it more Simba's way?

–Beshte about Simba The Trail to Udugu

Beshte is shown to have a good relationship with Kion's father, Simba. He gladl
The-Trail-To-Udugu (893)
y accepts Simba's compliment about his father's singing in "The Kupatana Celebration". As he followed Simba's lead during the king's temporary leadership of the guard in "The Trail to Udugu".


Hey, everybody, I've got someone I want you to meet. Kion, Fuli, Bunga, Ono... This is my new friend Ajabu.

–Beshte introducing Ajabu The Imaginary Okapi

The-Imaginary-Okapi (205)

Ajabu is a friend of Beshte, who although at first is believed to be his imaginative friend, is an actual okapi, who Beshte truly cares for and hates it when he is in danger and protects him from any of it, as seen when he charges for Makucha and roars, causing him to retreat and to finally leave his friend alone.

Boboka's Son[]

The-Savannah-Summit (221)

Beshte and Boboka's Son appear to be on good terms as shown when Beshte lifts him up after he gets stuck in some mud during the Savannah Summit.


Incoming rock. Look out for the splash.

–Beshte to Jasiri Rescue in the Outlands

Beshte becomes friends with Jasiri right away after Kion
Rescue-in-the-Outlands (835)
introduces her to the guard. He tells the guard that she was different then Janja and that she helped him get through the Outlands. Beshte was even worried when Jasiri and the two cubs were trapped in "Rescue in the Outlands." 


Madoa and Beshte seem to have a good relationship. She came to the Pride Lands for the Lion Guard's help when Jasiri was in danger. 


Sure sounds like bravery to me.

–Beshte about Zazu The Morning Report

Zazu and Beshte seem to have a good relationship. Beshte always asks Zazu what's going on if there's trouble. In "The Morning Report" when Zazu got captured by the hyenas Beshte and guard came to save him. 


Kulinda. We're so glad you and your baby are back together again.

–Beshte to Kulinda Ono and the Egg

Kulinda appears to be on good terms with Beshte.


Beshte and Ona are allies as they rescue her and working together.


Zigo appears to be on good terms with Beshte.


Easy there! I'm sure they didn't mean any harm.

–Beshte to Muhangus The Kupatana Celebration

The-Kupatana-Celebration (379)

Muhangus trusts Beshte, although he's not afraid to speak out against him when angry.

He doesn't appear to like upsetting Beshte, and will heed to any request that the hippo asks.


What are you talking about? He's Beshte! Strongest in the Pride Lands.

–Chura about Beshte Beshte and the Hippo Lanes

Beshte-and-the-Hippo-Lanes (298)

Beshte becomes friends with the little frog after he gets to ride on him across Flood Plains. Chura also believed in Beshte that he could make it across. Chura is impressed by Beshte's strength, and has shown to compliment him when the hippo uses his strength in front of him. He also appreciates Beshte's help with crossing the Hippo Lanes, and is only too happy to thank him for his assistance in crossing them.

the bellow Fellows[]

Congratulations! You're now a Bellow Fellow!

–The Bellow Fellows to Beshte Beware the Zimwi

Beware-the-Zimwi (820)

Beshte joins in with the Bellow Fellows group after they loved his bellowing. 


Oh, good! I've been trying to get across the flood plains all day! Think I could hitch a ride to Ndefu Grove?

–Laini to Beshte Beshte and the Hippo Lanes

Beshte-and-the-Hippo-Lanes (216)

Laini and Beshte are good friends. After saving the galagos a bunch of times and getting a ride on him through the Flood Plains. Laini likes being friends with the hippo.


You get to be my age, you never know what might happen!

–Mbeya to Beshte Never Judge a Hyena by Its Spots

Never-judge-a-hyena-by-its-spots (207)

Beshte and Mbeya are great friends. In "Never Judge a Hyena by Its Spots" when the guard was trying to get to Flat Ridge Rock after losing Kion. Beshte suggets that they ask Mbeya because he knows the Pridelands the best. However Mbeya said that he's never been there.


Beshte? But you're not a rhino!

–Mwenzi to Beshte Ono the Tickbird

Ono-the-Tickbird (395)
Beshte and Mwenzi are allies. Beshte along with the rest of the Guard try to get Mwenzi to get back with Kifaru and eventually succeed after Kifaru saves his life from Makuu's Float despite his poor eyyesight. Beshte and Mwenzi as far as known are on good terms.
Ono-the-tickbird (390)


Hey! That's Kifaru! But he's a nice rhino. Why's he smashin' into things?

–Beshte about Kifaru Ono the Tickbird

Kifaru and Beshte are allies, Beshte helped Kifaru get to Tamasha.


She's really different and really pretty.

–Beshte about Dhahabu The Golden Zebra

The-Golden-Zebra (734)

When Ono realize Dhahabu is the Golden Zebra and he never ever seen her before since she is different and Beshte thinks she's really pretty. The two of them become friends after solving the water situation.

Gumba, Shauku, Kwato, and Kambuni[]

Beshte and Gumba, Shauku, Kwato, and Kambuni are on good terms. They even warned Beshte where Mtoto is when Mtoto was being chased by hyenas.

Male Bushbuck[]

Male Bushbuck showed annoyance at Beshte for destroying the corncockles that he and his herd were eating.


So Rafiki, why are you taking on an apprentice? Are you okay?

–Beshte to Rafiki The Lion Guard: The Rise of Scar

Beshte and Rafiki are on good terms with each other. They also frequently hangout together throughout the show and he even helped save the mandrill from the hyenas and the jackals in Divide and Conquer, showing how much he along with the rest of the Guard care about him.

Male Eland[]

The-Wisdom-of-Kongwe (466)

Beshte and Male Eland are good relationships in "Can't Wait to be Queen" since they tried stop the elands before the bees get stung they got crashed and create into chaos. And in "The Wisdom of Kongwe" he help him and his herd to escape from the fire at Poromoko Crevasse and he create the bridge he think its safe and cross to safety.


The-Zebra-Mastermind (34)
Pim and Beshte are good friends. In "Beshte and the Beast" when Shujaa accidentally smashed their home he helped get them a new one. He also has saved Pim many times before. 


Goodbye, strong friend Beshte! [Shujaa hugs Beshte] Me know me see you again!

–Shujaa to Beshte Beshte and the Beast

Beshte-and-the-beast (398)

Beshte helps Shujaa learn to control his thug-like strength. When Beshte gets hurt from a tree falling on him Shujaa comes to save him.

Female Hare[]

Beshte helps her get across the  Hippo Lanes

MjombaHaya And Ogopa[]

At first the aardwolves were scared of Beshte because he thought they were hyenas. The guard goes to look for them in the Outlands and they talk to Mjomba about going home to eat  termites


Beshte and Hadithi are on good terms. Beshte thought that Hadithi sounded "poa" when Ono explained about him. When Ono was in trouble Hadithi asked the guard to follow him.

Starehe and Raha[]

Hey Raha, Starehe. What are you two up to?

–Beshte to Starehe and Raha The Queen's Visit

Beshte and the zebras are on good terms. They aren't scared of him when they wanted to share their watering hole. Beshte even helped find a Tamboa Plant for them. In "he Queen's Visit" The zebras helped the Lion Guard save Dhahabu.


It's okay, dad. It's just little Kiazi!

–Beshte about Kizai The Fall of Mizimu Grove

The-Fall-Of-Mizimu-Grove (22)
Kiazi and Beshte are good friends since they are in the same pod. Beshte lifts Kiazi out of the water.


Hey, wait. I know somebody who can fly really high. Her name's Anga.

–Beshte about Anga Fire from the Sky

Anga and Beshte are shown to be friends. Beshte doesn't really know her that well
The Harmattan (146)
because she doesn't talk much. However Beshte knows what tree she lives in. Anga works with Beshte and the Lion Guard to stop the vultures.


The-Hyena-Resistance (30)

Beshte really hated Janja just like the rest of the guard. Beshte is always there when Janja and his clan are on the attack. When Beshte is alone in the Outlands Janja tries to smush him by throwing big heavy rocks on him. He later grows angrier with him when he larned that he works for Scar.

However, because Janja later sided with the Pride Landers, he is now an ally and friend to Beshte. In "Journey to the Pride Lands", Beshte allows Janja and Bunga to sleep on his back.


The-Zebra-Mastermind (260)

Beshte dislikes Cheezi almost just as much as he dislikes Janja because he helps his boss with nearly every one of his schemes. He was later angrier with him and the rest of Janja's Clan for working with Scar. In The Zebra Mastermind, he questioned why him and Chungu would attack him with flowers. Even with the fact that he is one of the friendliest animals of the Pride Lands, he still finds Cheezi's antics fairly obnoxious.

However, because Cheezi later sided with the Pride Landers, he is now an ally and friend to Beshte.


Me too. That Beshte doesn't know his own...

–Chungu about Beshte The Zebra Mastermind

The-Bite-of-Kenge (59)

Beshte dislikes Chungu almost just as much as he dislikes Janja because he helps him with nearly every one of his schemes. He was latr anngier with him and the rest of Janja's Clan for working with Scar. In The Zebra Mastermind, he questioned why he and Cheezi would attack him with flowers. Even with the fact that he is one of the friendliest animals of the Pirde Lands, he still finds Chungu's antics fairly obnoxious.

However, because Chungu later sided with the Pride Landers, he is now an ally and friend to Beshte.


Nne hates Beshte because he is in The Lion Guard. Nne follow’s Janja’s and Scar’s orders, he probably doesn’t like Cheezi or Chungu

However, because Nne later sided with the Pride Landers, he is now an ally and friend to Beshte.


Tano hates Beshte because he is in The Lion Guard. Tano follows Janja’s and Scar’s orders, he probably doesn’t like Cheezi or Chungu

However, because Tano later sided with the Pride Landers, he is now an ally and friend to Beshte.


I'm Lumba-Lumba! And I've never met a Beshte before.

–Lumba-Lumba to Beshte Dragon Island

Beshte and Lumb-Lumba are good friends. Lumba-Lumba is the first Dolphi
Dragon-island (776)
in that he and the guard have ever met. Beshte asks her what's it's like in the ocean. She shows him how fun it is. Beshte also saves Lumba-Lumba from the Komodo Dragons when she gets stranded on shore.

Domog's Pack[]

Beshte and Domog's Pack are on good terms. Beshte helps stop the Ghost.

Yuki's Troop[]

Beshte and Yuki's Troop are on good terms. He helps them find a new home.

The Accidental Avalanche (181)


When Beshte, Jasiri and the guard come to Kion's rescue, they quickly enage into battle with the Outsiders attacking and hurting Kovu's pride.

The cub seems to also fear him and the others.


Mwoga hates Beshte because he is a member of the Lion Guard. Mwoga becomes part of Scar's army. After the guard goes into the Outlands to get a cure of Simba. Mwoga helps trap the Lion Guard.

Yun Mibu[]

Way to go. Yun Mibu. I knew you could do it.

–Beshte to Yun Mibu. Friends to the End

In the episode "Friends to the End" Beshte
Friends-to-the-End (579)
Return-to-the-Pride-Lands (549)
meets the Clouded Leopard and was nice to him. He then asks Yun Mibu to help save his friend Kion.

Ma Tembo[]

Beshte and Ma Tembo are good friends. Ma Tembo is shown to be caring towards Beshte during the competition between Beshte and Imara when she notices Beshte's skin getting sunburned.


Yes, except he's not Poa the Destroyer, he saved my life. He's Poa the Life Saver.

–Pinguino about Beshte Poa the Destroyer

At first, Pinguino thought that Beshte was an enemy.
Poa-the-Destroyer (704)
Triumph-of-the-Roar (70)
He called him "Poa the Destroyer". However, Beshte saves him and he started calling him "Poa the Life Saver".

Rani And the Night Pride[]

Beshte becomes friends with all of the members of the Night Pride once he gets to the Tree of Life. He even becomes a member of the Night Pride when Kion marries Rani.


Could you save my life sometime?

–Tangaagim to Beshte Poa the Destroyer

Beshte and Tangaagim are good friends. Tangaagim showed Beshte how to walk like a ​​​​​​
Poa-the-destroyer (371)
Polar Bear. When Pinguino tells Tangaagim that Beshte is a bad guy he goes along with what he was saying. However after Beshte saves Pinguino they started calling him "Poa the Life Saver."


Poa-the-destroyer (282)
Astuto was at first scared of Beshte since everyone was calling him "Poa the Destroyer." After he saves Pinguino Astuto becomes on good terms with Beshte.

Cek and Rama[]

Cek and Rama were at first scared of Beshte since everyone was calling him "Poa the Destroyer." After he saves Pinguino They become on good terms with Beshte.

Tsah and Sasem[]

Tsah and Sasem were at first scared of Beshte since everyone was calling him "Poa the Destroyer." After he saves Pinguino They become on good terms with Beshte.


Gonna be in these parts long? I'd love to introduce you to my friends. Hey guys, say hi to my new friend Beshte.

–Tenuk to Beshte Mama Binturong

Mama-Binturong (39)
Tenuk and Beshte are good friends. Beshte meets Tenuk on his way to the Tree of Life. 

Shabaha, Imara, Kasi, And Tazama[]

At first Beshte dislike the lions since they were part of Zira's Pride. When Zira completed her journey through the Circle of Life, they joined Simba's Pride. Beshte didn't like how they were trying to be the Lion Guard. However Kion decided to give Vitani the Roar and join the Night Pride


Beshte and Askari are on good terms. Beshte was shocked to see Askari.


Binga and Beshte are on good terms. Beshte thinks that Bunga likes Binga.


Beshte and Varya are on good terms. He helps save her from Makucha's Army.

His Pod[]

Beshte is great friends with the members of his pod. In the "Return of the Roar" Beshte makes them a waterslide. In
Timon-and-pumbaas-christmas (481)
"Beshte and the Beast" Beshte helps save his pod from the Army of Scar.


And she made us feel welcome when we first got to the Tree of Life.

–Beshte about Janna Long Live the Queen

Beshte and Janna are on good terms. Janna welcomes Beshte to the Tree of life. Beshte attends Janna's funeral.



I can't even feel them. They're just numb.

–Beshte about Kenge The Bite of Kenge

The-bite-of-kenge (235)

Beshte despises Kenge for biting him and the rest of the guard, stealing the elephants melons and for cornering him and his friends.

However, in both occasions, Beshte has seen Kenge get defeated, after being blasted by Kion’s roar twice.


Maybe he really is just trying to help us out of his territory.

–Beshte about Makucha The Harmattan

The-Golden-Zebra (78)

Makucha and Beshte are both enemies, especially when it came to hunting Beshte's new friend Ajabu. Makucha might be a bit scared of the hippo since he refuses to leave Ajabu alone until Beshte roared at him.

Makucha refuses to let Beshte pass into his territory unless he is defeated and does not listen to his commands otherwise.


The mean leopard? But we chased him off!

–Beshte about Mapigano The Trouble With Galagos

Mapigano feigns friendliness when Beshte appears, not wishing to engage in a fight with a group he knows he'll lose against.


We've heard about her.

–Beshte about Zira Lions of the Outlands

After attacking her pride and coming to the aid of Kion, Zira hates Beshte and thinks that he and the rest of the guard (excluding Kion) are pathetic since the only lion on their team is him.


As a member of Kion's Lion Guard, Nuka is shown to be frightened of Beshte.


Hey, Ushari? Why did you do that?

–Beshte to Ushari Fuli's New Family

Fulisnewfamily-p1 (31)

Ushari is reasonably one of the few Pride Landers he did not care for as he bit Bunga in Fuli's New Family. The snake later turns against him and the rest of the Lion Guard after having too much bad luck when they get close to him. Ushari later assists the rest of the Army of Scar in cornering him, the rest of the Lion Guard, and Makini in The Scorpion's Sting and he seemed to be shocked that the cobra was actually as evil as Scar.


What are you doing in the Outlands hippo?

–Shupavu to Beshte Swept Away

Swept-away (210)

In Swept Away, Beshte found an ally in Shupavu and her skinks, as they offered to lead him to Rocky Plateau. Beshte even called them friends. However, this was a mere ruse as they attempted to lead Beshte into a trap which involved Janja, Cheezi, and Chungu trying to crush him with rocks. When spotting Janja and his hyenas, Beshte called for the skinks to run, not knowing they were on the hyena's side, not his.

In The Scorpion's Sting, When Shupavu and her group reveal themselves with Ushari, Beshte appears to be shocked to see the lizards on the bad guys side and hates them since.


We could use you for shade!

–Njano to Beshte Swept Away

Swept-away (307)

In Swept Away, Beshte found an ally in Njano and his skinks, as they offered to lead him to Rocky Plateau. Beshte even called them friends. However, this was a mere ruse as they attempted to lead Beshte into a trap which involved Janja, Cheezi, and Chungu trying to crush him with rocks. When spotting Janja and his hyenas, Beshte called for the skinks to run, not knowing they were on the hyena's side, not his.

In The Scorpion's Sting, When Njano and his group reveal themselves with Ushari, Beshte appears to be shocked to see the lizards on the bad guys side and hates them since.


As a member of the Lion Guard, Scar views Beshte as an enemy. He is aware of his status as the Pride Lands' strongest, and has before tried to take him out as seen in "Swept Away".


The-hyena-resistance (340)

Beshte learned of Reirei's treachery ever since they tried to wreak havoc at Kupatana. Reirei and her pack along with the rest of the Army of Scar at one point tried to kill him, the rest of the Guard, and even Makini when Simba was very sick due to being poisoned with scorpion venom by his uncle and Sumu. Beshte is the only member of the Guard she is actually afraid of as revealed in The Hyena Resistance when she screamed when he was charging. He grew even angrier at her for working for Scar.


Don't worry. We'll get you out of there.

–Beshte to Goigoi Babysitter Bunga

The-zebra-mastermind (368)

Beshte and Goigoi seem to be enemies since Beshte is a member of the guard. Beshte was even tricked and thought that Dogo was nice and cute. In "Babysitter Bunga" Beshte did help Goigoi out when he upside down in a hole while he was trying to distract the guard. However Goigoi is part of Scar's army so he attacks Beshte and the rest of the guard when Scar tells him too.


Don't you need to get back to your family, Dogo?

–Beshte to Dogo The Kupatana Celebration

When Beshte and the jackal pup first met he thought that Dogo was cute. H
The-Kupatana-Celebration (104)
e was being nice to him and he even invited him to their Kupatana Celebration. When Muhangus was yelling at the jackals for stealing their fruit Beshte was on their side. He thought that they didn't cause any harm. Later at the celebration Beshte changed his mind about the jackal pups being cute and nice. He and Dogo have been enemies ever since. 


'Cause Simba banished them to the Outlands after they tried to take him down. They're bad guys, Hodari.

–Beshte to Kiburi Let Sleeping Crocs Lie

Kiburi hates Beshte because he is a member of the Lion Guard. He hates him even
The-kilio-valley-fire (150)
more when he learns that the guard ruins his scheme to kill the king. They have been enemies ever since Simba kicked the crocs out of the Pride Lands. Kiburi's float joins the Scar's army. He hates Beshte some more when he learns that Hodari is Beshte's geeko friend.


The-zebra-mastermind (530)

Tamka dislikes Beshte and the rest of the Guard just as much as Kiburi does as revealed when they were woken up from hibernation by them. Later that day, he, Nduli, and another crocodile later try to kill King Simba, but were outsmated by them. They along with Kiburi are later exiled from the Pride Lands as punishment for their crime. They have been enemies ever since.


Beshte and Mpishi are enemies since she tried to eat some hyraxes. She also tries to eat Kulinda's child Ona.


Beshte hates Chuluun ever since he met her in the episode "Ghost of the Mountain." Chuluun followed Beshte and his friends to the Tree of Life and Beshte stopped her many times.


Beshte hates Ora ever since he met him in th episode "Dragon Island." Ora followed
Lake-of-Reflection (500)
him and his friends to the Tree of Life. In "The Lake of Reflection Ora bites Beshte's leg.

Mama Binturong (character)[]

Beshte hates Mama Binturong since she helped Makucha's Army attack the Lion Guard and the Night Pride.

Fahari and Jiona[]

And I'm bigger and stronger.

–Beshte to Fahari and Jiona The Harmattan

Beshte hates Fahari and Jiona since they tried to attack the guard in "The Harmattan." They even followed Beshte and the guard to the Tree of Life.


Beshte hates Smun since he works for Mama Binturong.
