“ | They looked so yummy... | ” |
–Baby Hippo, A Remedy For Impatience |
Baby Hippo is a hippo calf, who is exclusively appearing in The Lion Guard comic, A Remedy For Impatience.
Baby Hippo is a short, stubby little hippo calf. He has grey skin with a light purple tint and a few darker spots on his back. He has three dark purple toenails on each foot. His underbelly is a pale purple. He has brown eyes, pink inner ears and several short strands of hair atop his head. He looks a little similiar to another hippo, called Beshte.
Baby Hippo is shown to be very impatient, and unable to wait on a number of occasions. He is grateful for the Lion Guard's assistance, and is capable of learning and taking note of his own mistakes.
A Remedy For Impatience[]

A painful stomach ache
If the Guard choose Bunga's idea, they would ask Rafiki how to find the remedy, a plant to cure his pain. But just as Rafiki turned around to show them the leaves, the Baby Hippo gobbled them up. Then Baby Hippo complained about his stomach still aching, and Rafiki scolded him for being that impatient and not being able to wait. Sadly Rafiki confessed that there weren't enough leaves left there to fully be able to cure him from his pain and misery.

Feeling better!
The Baby Hippo also learns not to eat berries before they are ripe, and happily promises to never do something that foolish ever again while he munches on some fully ripe berries instead.
If the Guard would choose Beshte's idea instead, they could manage to locate the plant at the bottom of the water.
As he starts to eat the leaves, Baby Hippo happily informs Fuli that he's feeling better. Having learnt his lesson, he walks over to the Lion Guard just in time to see two more baby hippos about to snack on the unripe berries that caused him such distress in the beginning.