“ | Army of Scar! Attack! | ” |
The Army of Scar was a cult of animals known to be all Outlanders who were plotted to battle the Lion Guard & take over the Pride Lands piece by piece. They were led by the vengeful spirit of Scar and his second-in-command Ushari. They are the main antagonistic faction of Season 2. In the 3rd season, the army is defeated by the Pride Landers, and officially disbanded following the deaths of Scar and Ushari, and later reforming under the rule of Jasiri.
Every member of the group was first seen all together in The Scorpion's Sting. There was a total of 39 members.
The Lion Guard: The Rise of Scar[]
When Ushari exiles himself from the Pride Lands to get revenge on the Lion Guard, he encounters Janja and his clan, and convinces them to summon the spirit of Scar to help them battle the Lion Guard. Their plan is a success and Scar returns, giving the Lion Guard's enemies their own spirit guide.
Let Sleeping Crocs Lie[]
Shupavu and Njano, having heard Makuu's float being awakened, report back to Scar and Ushari in the Outlands Volcano, who orders them to keep an eye on the situation about Makuu and Kiburi.
Scar tells the crocs and hyenas that he has plans
Swept Away[]
After Beshte ends up in the Outlands alone, While taking shelter under a rock, Shupavu makes herself known to Beshte, questioning his presence in the Outlands. Beshte
Scar's plan for getting rid of Beshte
Rescue in the Outlands[]
Scar asks the hyenas to look for the jackals because he wants them to be part of his collective. When Janja e
Janja told Ushari about Jasiri.
The Bite of Kenge[]

Janja's clan meets Kenge
Janja and his clan try to take melons away from the elephants. When they go back to the volcano and says they were beaten by the guard. Ushari offers to ask his friend Kenge to bite the Lion Guard to give the hyenas time to steal tikiti melons.
The Morning Report[]
In the Outlands, Cheezi, and Chungu keep watch on
Zazu trapped by Scar's army
The Little Guy[]
Kiburi tries to attack Makuu's float with Hodari, a gecko who had previously tried to join said float.
Divide and Conquer[]
Reirei's pack and Janja's clan manage to divide the Lion Guard in hopes to make defeating them easier. Knowing that Rafiki's a threat they try to take him down.
The Scorpion's Sting[]
Scar asks Sumu to sting Simba. When the guard goes and gets the volcanic ash. Scar hears from Sumu that the plan was a success, and knows that the Guard would be on their way. He orders Ushari to get the others ready. Proceeding with the plan, Kiburi's Float
The army is ready

Surrounding the Lion Guard
The Kilio Valley Fire[]
After a fire drives Kilio Valley's elephants out, Scar's army successfully moves into the scorched territory.
The Villains Win
Undercover Kinyonga[]
Mzingo and Mwoga were chasing Ono and then Mzingo bit Ono's tail feathers. When Mzingo and Mwoga crashed into each other Ono flew back to Kion, Bunga, Fuli, and Beshte. Back in the Outlands, Cheezi and Chungu are looking out for any sign of the Lion Guard while Janja, Ushari, and Shapavu talk to Scar. Back at the Outlands Volcano, Ushari says to Janja that he was late then they talk to Scar. Scar tells Janja to get his clan and push the rocks at
Scared by Kinyonga
The Zebra Mastermind[]
While the leaders of each clan, float, and pack go to talk to Scar. The sidekicks' talks with Thurston. They over here on how he's the real reason the Lion Guard is so successful. The villans ask him about the guard's weakness but fails every time. Later they try to attack Thurston but the guard comes to the rescue.
The Hyena Resistance[]
Scar orders his army to attack many parts of the Pridelands. However, Jasiri's clan agrees to help the guard with a hyena resistance. Soon Scar hears
Army of Scar surrounds Jasiri's clan
The Underground Adventure[]
Scar orders the vultures to start a wildfire by a mud pit on the edge of the Pride Lands that half the royal family is in.
Beshte and the Beast[]
The Army of Scar goes after Basi and some other members of his pod. Shujaa comes to fight them. He lifts up big rocks and it goes towards Reirei and Goigoi. Shujaa continues hurling rocks towards his enemies, but eventually removes one rock too many from a large structure. The gorilla escapes the falling rocks, which slide onto the crocodiles. Noticing the hyenas still standing, Shujaa snaps a small tree trunk from its root and charges towards them, smashing them away. They all start to run away. After Scar hears that a gorilla has defeated all of them by himself he comes up with a plan. He orders his army to keep
Shujaa comes to fight the Outlanders
Pride Landers Unite![]

Outlanders against Pride Landers
The Queen's Visit[]
Scar orders Reirei's pack to take down Queen Dhahabu. When they fail, they return with two crocs from Kiburi's float, only to be driven away by Raha and Starehe's kicks and stomps.
The Fall of Mizimu Grove[]
After hearing about a show being hosted at Mizimu Grove from the skinks. Scar sends his army to launch an attack on the attending animals. While the crowd of Pride Landers is distracted by Timon and Pumbaa's song Janja explains the plan. However, the Lion
Explaining the plan
Fire from the Sky[]

Dropping fire on the ground
Battle for the Pride Lands[]
Months within the battle between Scar's army, and the Lion Guard, Scar plots to destroy Kion once and for all. The Outlanders continue their multiple attacks on the Pride Landers, with all of them being unsuccessf
Standing agaisnt the Lion Guard and their friends

Scar tells Ushari how he got his scar

The army is ready
Once the evil has been destroyed, Janja and Kion nominate Jasiri as the ruler of the Outlands. Jasiri hopes they can all respect the Circle of Life. The redeemed army, (with the exception of Kiburi who is indifferent to the offer) accepts Jasiri's rule and returns to their respective territories in the Outlands.
Named Members[]
Name | Information | Position | Status | Picture |
Scar | Scar is a spiritual lion who resides in the Outlands volcano. Ultimately revived by Ushari. Scar is the general leader of the army, and the only one Janja considers to be of a higher rank than himself. His ultimate plan is to reclaim the Pride Lands in his name and destroy it. Months into the war with his great-nephew, Kion, Scar is finally defeated, saving the Pride Lands from his terror, disbanding his army, and freeing the Outlands from his reign. | Leader | Deceased | ![]() |
Ushari | is a red Egyptian cobra with cream markings. Although he was initially a neutral member of the Pride Lands, he turned to villainy after being disrupted one too many times by the Lion Guard. He now works with Janja's clan and played a vital role in summoning Scar. Since Ushari also visits the Pride Lands, he has allies there that are willing to work with him in order to tip the balance of the Pride Lands in their favor. He seems to have an ideology of reptile supremacy as he occasionally mentions reptiles taking over the Pride Lands. His plans to take over the Pride Lands are eventually put to rest by his arch-nemesis Bunga, who throws him into a pit of lava, killing him. | Second-in-command | Deceased | ![]() |
Shupavu | is the leader of the army's skink faction. Sneaky and skeptical, Shupavu can be somewhat demanding yet also amicable. For reasons unknown at this time, she experiences discomfort being close to Pride Rock. | Member | Alive | ![]() |
Njano | is a member of Shupavu's group. He is Shupavu's sidekick. His blue tongue hangs out in a similar way as Cheezi. However, he appears to be somewhat smarter than the hyena. | Member | Alive | ![]() |
Nyeusi | Nyeusi has been dubbed the stealthiest skink by Shupavu herself and seems to be of the two members to be the fastest. He was easily able to follow Rafiki and Makini without being detected. Nyeusi does not appear to speak, but his hisses can be understood by Shupavu. | Member | Alive | ![]() |
Waza | Waza is a member of the group of skinks. Not much is known about Waza. Shupavu turns to him specifically when Kinyonga hides, suggesting that he may be one of the more alert skinks or one with a keen eye. | Member | Alive | ![]() |
Nyata | Nyata is a member of the group of skinks. Little is known about Nyata, Shupavu orders her to use her speed to stop Kinyonga. Shupavu suggests that Nyata may be one of the fastest skinks, alongside Nyeusi. She seemingly has no problem following the orders of others. | Member | Alive | ![]() |
Kenge | is a huge and fearsome monitor lizard who despises being called a little lizard. His bite induces temporary paralysis. Kenge boasts a very fierce personality, and will not back down from a fight and will use his power. | Member | Alive | ![]() |
Sumu | is a large, dangerous scorpion. He is responsible for stinging Simba with deadly venom. Not much is known about his personality, but he is known to be cautious around his enemies. | Member | Alive | ![]() |
Former Members[]
Kiburi | is the leader of the army's crocodile faction. Arrogant and overconfident, Kiburi was banished from both his previous float and the Pride Lands after a plan to take down King Simba backfired on him. He has teamed up with several other Outlanders in an attempt to claim the Pride Lands for his group. However, after Scar's defeat and destruction, Kiburi leaves the days of his servitude to Scar behind him, now living neutral under the rule of Jasiri. | Former Member | Alive | ![]() |
Janja | Janja is the leader of the army's hyena faction. He bears the typical appearance of a hyena - ashy gray fur with a darker muzzle and dark spots. He has a small notch in his left ear and a ridge of black fur along his back. Janja is greedy, trouble-making, and aggressive. He despises the Lion Guard, especially their leader, Kion, and his Roar. He soon becomes hesitant over his position in the army, resulting in Scar attempting to kill him and his clan. Janja, putting his trust in Jasiri, abandons the army and assists in the Pride Landers' victory over Scar and his army, and nominates Jasiri as the ruler of the Outlands, joining her clan. | Former Member | Alive | ![]() |
Mzingo | Mzingo is the leader of the army's white-backed vulture faction and an ally to Janja and his clan. He sometimes acts as a spy for Janja and is very devious in nature, yet he retains sophistication at all times. After Scar's defeat. Mzingo reforms and becomes a close ally to Jasiri's clan. | Former Member | Alive | ![]() |
Reirei | Reirei is the leader of the army's jackal faction. She has creamy brown fur and black markings. She is scheming and devious and has a knack for faking pleasantry, which she uses to gain the trust of animals before taking advantage of them. | Former Member | Alive | ![]() |
Tamka | Tamka is a member of the float. Although loyal, like Kiburi, he is overconfident. He admits that he isn't smart, and is willing to take on challengers that are above him in skill and strength. | Former Member | Alive | ![]() |
Nduli | Nduli is a member of the Kiburi's float. Nduli is slightly more optimistic than the other members of the float but is also capable of being somewhat cocky when given any sort of advantage over his opponents. | Former Member | Alive | ![]() |
Cheezi | Cheezi is a cheerful hyena with notched ears and a large red nose. He has a spiky black mane and is prone to letting his tongue hang out of his mouth. He isn't very smart, similar to his companion Chungu, but is slightly more intelligent than him and can be the heart of the duo. Also like his friend Chungu, he is very loyal to Janja and hates being away from his side for any length of time. | Former Member | Alive | ![]() |
Chungu | is a large, well-built hyena with a large jaw and small eyes. His mane is thick and black, and his ears notched. Chungu is fairly thick-skulled and is submissive towards the clan leader, Janja. He frequently compliments Janja whenever his leader makes a joke. | Former Member | Alive | ![]() |
Nne | Nne is a cunning hyena with dark grey facial markings and two small wisps of hair on his head. He is incredibly clever, and his intelligence exceeds his own leader. He has a short patience with those not on his own level, though he will keep them around until they are no longer useful to his schemes. He is over-confident, which proves to be his own downfall. | Former Member | Alive | ![]() |
Tano | Tano is a devious hyena with eyes that are usually squinting and three small wisps of hair on his head. He is one of the smarter hyenas, and his intelligence exceeds his own leader. He is somewhat sardonic. Like his friend Nne, he overestimates his own cleverness which is his true downfall. | Former Member | Alive | ![]() |
Mwoga | Mwoga is a member of the vulture flock. He appears to be somewhat unpopular among the other members, perhaps due to his foolish ways. Despite this, he is shown to be both sly and fierce, making him a valuable member of the flock. | Former Member | Alive | ![]() |
Goigoi | Goigoi is the mate of Reirei. He has dark brown fur, a black back, and paler spots around his shoulders. Unlike Reirei, he is lazy and dim-witted, though he shares her greedy and devious nature. He is also very submissive towards his mate. | Former Member | Alive | ![]() |
Dogo | Dogo is the son of Reirei and Goigoi. He is a small jackal pup with tan fur, dark blue eyes and a few spots on his shoulder. He takes pride in pleasing his mother, Reirei, and is spirited and cunning. Due to his adorable appearance, he is gifted at fooling others. | Former Member | Alive | ![]() |
Kijana | Kijana is the daughter of Reirei and Goigoi. She is a small jackal pup with a large tuft of fur that goes over her head. She is sneaky like her mother, but, unlike her brother Dogo, she chooses to launch a direct attack rather than feign friendship. | Former Member | Alive | ![]() |
Hodari | Hodari used to join kirburi’s float until he finally joined Makuu’s float. | Former Member | Alive | ![]() |